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Michael Cohen testemunha no Julgamento de Dinheiro do Silêncio bet cadastro Nova York

Nesta semana, o ex-fixador ❤️ de Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, prestou depoimento no julgamento do caso de dinheiro do silêncio bet cadastro Nova York. Cohen relatou ❤️ à jurisprudência as etapas que supostamente ele tomou para fazer qualquer história que pudesse danificar a imagem de Trump desaparecer ❤️ antes das eleições de 2024.

A defesa está tentando desgastar a credibilidade de Cohen, semear dúvidas entre o júri que está ❤️ ouvindo seu testemunho. Então, como ele se saiu? Jonathan Freedland pergunta ao ex-promotor federal Ankush Khardori o que ele acha ❤️ do testemunho da principal testemunha da promotoria até agora.

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Cohen descreveu como supostamente ❤️ ele fez pagamentos a duas mulheres para manterem segredo sobre os supostos relacionamentos com Trump. Ele também afirmou que foi ❤️ instruído a fazer isso por Trump himself. No entanto, a defesa está questionando a credibilidade de Cohen, apontando seu histórico ❤️ de mentiras e infidelidade.

Khardori, que trabalhou como promotor federal por mais de uma década, acredita que a promotoria teve um ❤️ bom começo no caso, mas admitiu que a defesa provavelmente fará tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance para desacreditar ❤️ Cohen.

A promotoria ainda não apresentou evidências diretas ❤️ que vinculem Trump aos pagamentos ilegais, então a defesa está argumentando que Cohen está mentindo para evitar uma longa sentença ❤️ de prisão. A batalha pela credibilidade está no centro do caso e o júri terá que decidir a quem acreditar.

Testemunha Atestado Posição
Michael ❤️ Cohen Supostamente fez pagamentos ilegais para duas mulheres Ex-fixador de Donald Trump
Defesa Questionando a credibilidade de Cohen Representantes de Donald Trump
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    You win nothing from Copabet, it's not a betting site. However, make sure to join one of our Sponsored Groups ⚾️ where mighty fine prizes are at stake.

    No. Copabet gives you the freedom to predict the Group Stage and the Play-Off ⚾️ Stage just as you like. As we are not predicting specific match results, it is not possible to have a ⚾️ logical link between the Group Stage and the Play-Off Stage. So, you can essentially have France to loose each game ⚾️ in the Group Stage, but still pick them as Group Winners for the Play-Off Stage. That’s just the way it ⚾️ is.

    First, you predict the outcome of every single Group Stage game. Who will win the game or if you predict ⚾️ a draw (X). Then, in the Play-Off Stage, you predict how the teams make their way, all the way to ⚾️ the final Champions. You do not predict specific match results.

    No. The whole idea of Copabet is that you make your ⚾️ prediction and then stick with it from the opening game all the way through the opening game to the final.

    One. ⚾️ That is the beauty and challenge of Copabet. You can only believe in one single outcome, so think it through. ⚾️ Make your prediction, then stick with it.

    Before the event begins, no one can see your Scorecard except you. As soon ⚾️ as the opening games starts – everyone can see your Scorecard!

    Yes, you can change your Scorecard as many times as ⚾️ you want up until two hours before the opening game begins. Remember to save your Scorecard!

    No. In Copabet, you predict ⚾️ only the winning team of the game or it's a draw. You do not predict specific results or scores.

    First you ⚾️ need to register, then start creating your Scorecard. Simply click/tap the flag or name of the team that you think ⚾️ will win each match. If you predict a draw; select X.

    Your Scorecard. Create your Scorecard and then you compete with ⚾️ friends in different groups. Copabet is a game where you can see who makes the best prediction of the World ⚾️ Cup.

    It amplifies the adrenaline! It just makes every game so much more exciting! And beating your friends in the meantime ⚾️ is like icing on the proverbial cake.

    A Scorecard is what you compete with. It is your prediction of every game ⚾️ – all games in the Group Stage and a complete scenario of the Playoff stage. And you have to make ⚾️ all of your predictions before the event begins.

    Schedule & Times

    When does the competition start?

    On July 20, 7 am CET, we ⚾️ close down the saving/updating of Scorecards. Two hours later, the World Cup kicks off!

    When the event has started, can I ⚾️ change my Scorecard in any way?

    No. The whole idea of Copabet is that you make your prediction and then stick ⚾️ with it from the opening game all the way to the final.

    What can I do when it has started?

    You can ⚾️ not change your Scorecard and you can not invite more friends. But, this is when the fun begins! Personal stats, ⚾️ graphs, updates, and (hopefully) trashtalking your friends about their rankings!

    Can I invite friends to join my group when the Cup ⚾️ has started?

    No. So do it before!

    What happens when the tournament is over?

    Well, then Copabet is over for now and you'll ⚾️ hopefully have outshined your friends.


    What are groups?

    Groups are where you compete against your friends or family. You can create a ⚾️ group and invite friends, or you can join an already existing group. You can choose to create a public group ⚾️ that anyone can join, or a private group which is by invitation only.

    How many should be in a group?

    The more ⚾️ the merrier! Seriously, it is much more fun to be as many people as possible in each group. So keep ⚾️ inviting people!

    Can groups be private?

    Yes. You can create groups that are private. They have a password. These groups can only ⚾️ be joined by receiving an invitation from the creator of the group (the admin).

    Can groups be public?

    Yes. You can choose ⚾️ to create a public group. A public group can be joined by anyone. You will not be able to switch ⚾️ a group from public to private.

    How do I invite people?

    Click the ”Invite” button. You can also send your friends the ⚾️ link to your group. Spread the word! The more people playing, the more fun!

    Can I create more than one group?

    Yes. ⚾️ However, you can participate in a maximum of 10 groups so that's how many you can create. But perhaps you'd ⚾️ like to join somebody else's group as well?

    How many groups can I join?

    You can participate in up to 10 groups. ⚾️ Anyone can join public groups. For private groups, you need an invite. In addition to this, every single Scorecard will ⚾️ compete in the Copabet Global League.

    So I can challenge my friends and colleagues?

    Yes. When you are logged in, you can ⚾️ create a group and then invite everyone you want! Simply challenge your family, friends and colleagues to compete with you ⚾️ in your group. That is the whole point of Copabet.

    What is the Copabet Global League?

    Every single Scorecard competes in the ⚾️ Copabet Global League. This is for bragging rights only, there are no prizes to be won.

    Points on Scorecard

    How do I ⚾️ get points

    For every correct game prediction you get points. The points you get are based on two factors: Game Value ⚾️ and Friendly Odds™. The Game Value increases for each stage as the tournament progresses. Getting the Champions right will get ⚾️ you loads of points! In each group, the amount of points you get is determined by what everyone else have ⚾️ predicted. We call it Friendly Odds™ and it will award upsets and underdogs.

    How do I get points – the long ⚾️ version?

    For every correct game prediction you get points. The points you get are based on two factors:

    1. Game Value The ⚾️ value of the games increase the further we get into the tournament. These are the points for each stage: Group ⚾️ Stage Games = 100 points. Round of Sixteen = 200 points. Quarter Finals = 300 points. Semi Finals = 500 ⚾️ points. Final and third place = 750 points. Winner = 1000 points.

    2. Friendly Odds™

    The more people getting it right, the ⚾️ less points each person with a correct prediction gets. We call it Friendly Odds™ as it is not Copabet who ⚾️ sets the odds – rather you and your friends do! This system awards upsets and underdogs, so think it through!

    In ⚾️ the Playoff Stage there is a rule that we call the Mastermind model after the famous, and may we say ⚾️ great, 1970’s board game. The rule can be stated as follows: Correct team in the correct place and correct team ⚾️ in the wrong place. Here is the logic behind the Mastermind model: Let’s say you predict a team to win ⚾️ a group, for example, France to win group F. You also predict that France will go all the way and ⚾️ win the Championship. France will then proceed throughout the Playoff Stage via a specific route in the Playoff grid. If ⚾️ your Scorecard prediction is exactly correct then all is fine and dandy - you will collect loads of points and ⚾️ be in the running for winning the groups in which you compete. But, here’s the thing, if France actually wins ⚾️ the Championship, as you predicted, but was the runner up in their group, then they will reach the final from ⚾️ a totally different path in the Playoff grid. If the Mastermind model didn’t exist, then this prediction would yield no ⚾️ points. And this would just feel wrong. So, a Scorecard where the correct team reaches a particular stage in the ⚾️ Playoff Stages, but happens to be in the wrong slot still gets points. If there are no Scorecards that have ⚾️ predicted the correct team in the correct slot, but there are Scorecards that have the correct team in the wrong ⚾️ slot – these Scorecards will receive points as if one Scorecard had the correct team in the correct slot.

    Is there ⚾️ a mathematical formula for Group Stage games?

    Yes, it's a linear equation. Max value (if only 1 correct prediction in a ⚾️ group) = Game Value. Min value (if all predictions in a group are correct) = Game Value/10.


    Where can I find ⚾️ information about your privacy policy?

    Your personal information is very important to us – and to you. Our goal is to ⚾️ maintain your confidence by processing your personal data with due consideration and by giving you the control.

    It is important that ⚾️ you know what kind of personal information Copabet AB (hereinafter "we" or "Copabet") collects about you and how we use ⚾️ it.

    We have done our best to make the explanations short and easy to understand. Should you require further information, or ⚾️ if you have any questions, please read the full Terms and Conditions or contact us on info@copabet.

    If we ever carry ⚾️ out any significant changes in our privacy policy, we will inform you. If necessary, we will also ask for your ⚾️ permission.

    Your choices and rights in different situations are explained in more detail below.

    And again, for more information, read the full ⚾️ Terms and Conditions.

    What information do you have stored and where do you get it from?

    We collect and store different types ⚾️ of information about you; contact details, your preferences, and of course, your predictions/scorecards. The storing of this data happens when ⚾️ you create/update an account, fill out a scorecard, contact us or use our web pages, apps and social media.

    We also ⚾️ use Google Analytics to monitor how our users interact with our website (this is completely anonymous though) and "cookies" to ⚾️ make your login process and language selection smoother. More thorough information about the cookies we store is available in our ⚾️ cookie policy.

    Why have you removed the option to login with Facebook?

    There are a number of reasons behind this decision, both ⚾️ technical and ethical, but let's just say we're not huge fans of Facebook's handling of personal data. And when Apple ⚾️ tried to force us implement "Log in with Apple", just to keep the Facebook login option in the app, it ⚾️ felt like it was time to move forward without the tech giants and their power struggle.

    I used to login with ⚾️ Facebook, what do I do now?

    We've tried to make it as smooth as possible for you to login with e-mail ⚾️ and password instead. You can login on Copabet with the same e-mail address that you use to login on Facebook, ⚾️ you just need to set a password. Simply go to copabet/forgot and enter your e-mail address (the one you use ⚾️ on Facebook that is) and you'll get an e-mail that let's you set a password of your choice. Note! If ⚾️ this seems difficult or perhaps you would like to use some other e-mail address than the one you use for ⚾️ Facebook, then feel free to simply register a new account with a different e-mail address.

    How do you use my information?

    We ⚾️ use your information in various ways. Most importantly we want to ensure a smooth Copabet experience with intuitive functionality easing ⚾️ the process of logging in, saving your scorecard, inviting your friends, etc.

    Additionally, we may use your info for marketing purposes, ⚾️ mostly in connection with Sponsored Groups and to deliver sponsored messages in group chats and news feeds. However, we very ⚾️ rarely share your personal data, see below.

    Do you share my information with anybody else and if so, why?

    As a rule ⚾️ of thumb, we do not share your personal data with any external parties. With a few exceptions:

    1) When we’re required ⚾️ by law to do so.

    2) To deliver our service to you; i.e server hosting providers.

    3) Should you join any Sponsored ⚾️ Groups, we may share your contact details with the Group Owner for marketing purposes. If you’re not comfortable with this, ⚾️ which we totally respect, simply do not join any Sponsored Groups. Sponsored Groups will always be clearly labelled.

    What are my ⚾️ rights and options?

    Among other rights, you can choose to unsubscribe from our e-mails. You also have the right to access ⚾️ all the information we have about you and the “right to be forgotten”, i.e for us to delete all of ⚾️ your personal data. Simply contact info@copabet and we’ll assist you with any of that.

    Do you take good care of my ⚾️ personal data?

    Your data is very important, to you and to us, and we want you to know that we always ⚾️ do everything within our powers to keep your data secure. Both from a technical perspective (servers, encryption, etc) as well ⚾️ as how we handle the data and share it with others.

    How do I get in touch?

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