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Kaliane Bradley: A Rising Star in the Literary World

Kaliane Bradley is a name to watch in the literary world. She 2️⃣ has just published her first novel, "The Ministry of Time," a time-travel romance cum sci-fi comedy set in near-future London. 2️⃣ The novel has received praise from writers such as Eleanor Catton and David Nicholls and has a TV adaptation 2️⃣ in the works.

From Walthamstow to the World

Bradley was born and raised in Walthamstow, east London, where she still lives with 2️⃣ her partner and cat. She grew up in a multicultural household, with a British father and a Khmer mother who 2️⃣ moved to the UK during the Cambodian civil war. She spent her childhood sharing a bedroom with her twin sisters 2️⃣ and her half-brother while her parents rented out the house.

"The Lucky Jumper" and The Ministry of Time

Bradley wrote "The Ministry 2️⃣ of Time" by accident, as she puts it. She had been working on a "thankless, loveless" project for years but 2️⃣ found herself drawn to time-travel stories during the pandemic. She immersed herself in the TV series "The Terror" and became 2️⃣ fascinated by Lt. Graham Gore, a man of "great stability of character and sweetest of tempers." This fascination led her 2️⃣ to create a "nerdy literary parlour game" online, which eventually turned into the novel.

Character Bridge
Lt. Graham Gore A young British-Cambodian woman
Lieutenant from 2️⃣ the battle of Naseby To be determined
Beautiful, foul-mouthed lesbian from the great plague of London To be determined
Unhappy aristocrat from the French 2️⃣ Revolution To be determined
Soldier from the first world war To be determined

In "The Ministry of Time," Bradley explores the experience of immigrants 2️⃣ in modern Britain by placing "expatriates from history" in modern London. She uses time-travel as a metaphor for the assimilation 2️⃣ of immigrants into British society, as they are told they must assimilate, have certain values, and be productive for society. 2️⃣ The hilarious and sparky one-liners afforded by the time-travel conceit make the novel a fun and thought-provoking read.

"Maybe this is 2️⃣ the British-Cambodian novel I was supposed to be writing."

Through Gore, Bradley found a way to express her mother's past and 2️⃣ the inherited trauma of Cambodia's history. Gore's realization that "they are all dead" and the world he knew is gone 2️⃣ is a poignant reflection of the trauma experienced by refugees and immigrants. While Bradley has no plans to give up 2️⃣ her day job, she is already deep into her second novel, an extension of her prize-winning short story.

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