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Ursula von der Leyen en busca de la reelección como presidenta de la Comisión Europea

Ursula von der Leyen ha inspeccionado ♣ una fábrica de drones en Letonia, colocado flores en un monumento al difunto Papa Juan Pablo II en Polonia y ♣ posado con un perro peludo en Luxemburgo. Desde Copenhague hasta Split, Maastricht hasta Plovdiv, ha dado discursos, estrechado manos, firmado ♣ camisetas y posado para muchos selfies. Ha sido una temporada agitada para Ursula von der Leyen, quien busca un segundo ♣ mandato de cinco años como jefa de la Comisión Europea, uno de los cargos más poderosos de la política europea.

Con ♣ activistas vitoreando y "merch" de campaña – como se refiere al equipo Von der Leyen a sus tazas y sudaderas con ♣ marca real purpura – se parece a cualquier otro esfuerzo por obtener votos. Incluso hay un video de la presidenta de ♣ la comisión caminando decididamente por un camino cerca de su casa de campo al ritmo de música orquestal dramática. "La ♣ campaña es una de las mejores cosas que me han pasado en la vida", dijo la política alemana en un ♣ debate reciente con candidatos rivales.

Pero no es una campaña típica. Von der Leyen no está participando en las elecciones europeas ♣ del 6 al 9 de junio y casi nadie a quien conoce puede votar por ella. En 2024, para convertirse ♣ en presidenta de la comisión, la alta burocracia civil altamente técnica de la UE con liderazgo político; para obtener las ♣ llaves del Berlaymont en Bruselas, Von der Leyen debe convencer a dos electorados notoriamente difíciles de complacer.

Dos electorados difíciles de ♣ complacer

En primer lugar, debe ser nombrada por una mayoría calificada de los 27 jefes de Estado y de gobierno de ♣ la UE, con una decisión esperada en una cumbre del 27 al 28 de junio. A continuación, debe ganar una ♣ mayoría simple de los 720 nuevos miembros recién elegidos del Parlamento Europeo. Con nacionalistas y la extrema derecha esperados para ♣ obtener ganancias significativas, las posibilidades de éxito de Von der Leyen en su intento de un segundo mandato son cada ♣ vez más inciertas.

El proceso de los candidatos líderes

La campaña de Von der Leyen estaba realmente dirigida al Parlamento Europeo, dijo ♣ Nicolai von Ondarza, jefe de investigación en el Instituto Alemán de Asuntos Internacionales y de Seguridad en Berlín. Los grupos ♣ más grandes del Parlamento Europeo, el centro derecha y el centro izquierda, insisten en seleccionar "candidatos líderes" para postularse como ♣ presidente de la Comisión, un procedimiento mejor conocido por su nombre alemán, el proceso de los candidatos líderes. Bajo el ♣ sistema, el grupo que gana la mayor cantidad de votos – que ha sido el Partido Popular Europeo (PPE) de centro ♣ derecha de Von der Leyen durante los últimos 25 años – tendría a su candidato electo presidente de la Comisión. "Ella ♣ está haciendo campaña para aquellos en el Parlamento Europeo que insisten en el procedimiento del candidato líder y hará que ♣ su difícil lucha por obtener una mayoría en el Parlamento Europeo sea un poco más fácil", dijo Von Ondarza.

Ve el ♣ proceso de los candidatos líderes como una "farsa" porque no hay un vínculo directo entre la votación en las elecciones ♣ europeas y la persona que se convierte en presidente de la Comisión. En 2024, el concepto sufrió "un golpe mortal", ♣ dijo, cuando los líderes de la UE desecharon rápidamente al candidato principal del PPE, Manfred Weber, eligiendo a un presidente ♣ alternativo que no había hecho campaña ni había expresado públicamente interés en el cargo: Von der Leyen.

Una campaña en Europa ♣ y en Alemania

Incluso el partido de Von der Leyen, la Unión Demócrata Cristiana alemana, no promocionaba mucho su campaña, sugirió ♣ Von Ondarza. "Ella viaja una vez a la mayoría de los países europeos, pero no hay una verdadera campaña europea, ♣ incluso en Alemania", dijo. "Ella no figura fuertemente en la elección. Si camina por las calles de Berlín, ninguno de ♣ los carteles electorales del CDU presentarán a Von der Leyen."

La primera mujer en liderar la Comisión, Von der Leyen sigue ♣ siendo la favorita para ganar un segundo mandato. Acreditada con guiar a la UE a través de una pandemia global ♣ y una guerra brutal en sus fronteras mientras se promulgaba una histórica legislación climática, incluso los críticos llegaron a admirarla. ♣ Pero en los últimos meses su estrella ha caído.

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    Community card poker game

    Omaha hold 'em A showdown in Omaha. Player on the left wins with Three of a kind. 🤑 Exactly two hole cards must be used. Alternative names Omaha Type Community card poker Players 2–10 Skills Probability, psychology Cards 🤑 52 Deck French Rank (high→low) A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Play Clockwise 🤑 Chance Medium to high

    Omaha hold 'em (also known as Omaha holdem or simply Omaha) is a community card poker game 🤑 similar to Texas hold 'em, where each player is dealt four cards and must make their best hand using exactly 🤑 two of them, plus exactly three of the five community cards. The exact origin of the game is unknown, but 🤑 casino executive Robert Turner first brought Omaha into a casino setting when he introduced the game to Bill Boyd, who 🤑 offered it as a game at the Las Vegas Golden Nugget Casino (calling it "Nugget Hold'em").[1][2] Omaha uses a 52-card 🤑 French deck. Omaha hold 'em 8-or-better is the "O" game featured in H.O.R.S.E.

    History [ edit ]

    Omaha hold 'em derives its 🤑 name from two types of games.

    "Hold'em" refers to a game using community cards that are shared by all players. This 🤑 is opposed to draw games, where each player's hand is composed only of concealed cards, and stud games, where each 🤑 player's unique hand contains a mix of cards visible to the other players and concealed hole cards.

    In the original Omaha 🤑 poker game, players were only dealt two hole cards and had to use both to make a hand combined with 🤑 community cards.[3] This version of Omaha is defined in the glossary of Super/System (under Omaha) as being interchangeable with "Tight 🤑 hold 'em". Across all the variations of the game, the requirement of using exactly two hole cards is the only 🤑 consistent rule. The "Omaha" part of the name represents this aspect of the game.

    Explanation [ edit ]

    In North American casinos, 🤑 the term "Omaha" can refer to several poker games. The original game is also commonly known as "Omaha high". A 🤑 high-low split version called "Omaha Hi-Lo", or sometimes "Omaha eight-or-better" or "Omaha/8", is also played. In Europe, "Omaha" still typically 🤑 refers to the high version of the game, usually played pot-limit. Pot-limit Omaha is often abbreviated as "PLO." Pot-limit and 🤑 no-limit Omaha eight-or-better can be found in some casinos and online, though no-limit is rarer.[4][failed verification]

    It is often said that 🤑 Omaha is a game of "the nuts", i.e. the best possible high or low hand, because it frequently takes "the 🤑 nuts" to win a showdown. It is also a game where between the cards in their hand and the community 🤑 cards a player may have drawing possibilities to multiple different types of holdings. For example, a player may have both 🤑 a draw to a flush and a full house using different combinations of cards. At times, even seasoned players may 🤑 need additional time to figure what draws are possible for their hand.

    The basic differences between Omaha and Texas hold 'em 🤑 are these: first, each player is dealt four hole cards instead of two. The betting rounds and layout of community 🤑 cards are identical. At showdown, each player's hand is the best five-card hand made from exactly three of the five 🤑 cards on the board, plus exactly two of the player's own cards. Unlike Texas hold 'em, a player cannot play 🤑 four or five of the cards on the board with fewer than two of their own (nor can a player 🤑 play three or four of his or her hole cards).

    A maximum of eleven players can be dealt a hand in 🤑 Omaha, regardless of whether or not burn cards are used, however Omaha is most commonly played six handed or nine 🤑 handed.

    Some specific things to notice about Omaha hands are:

    As in Texas hold 'em, three or more suited cards on the 🤑 board makes a flush possible, but unlike that game, a player always needs two of that suit in hand to 🤑 play a flush. For example, with a board of K ♠ 9 ♠ Q ♠ Q ♥ 5 ♠ , 🤑 a player with A ♠ 2 ♥ 4 ♥ 5 ♣ cannot play a flush using the ace as would 🤑 be possible in Texas hold 'em; the player must play two cards from in-hand and only three from the board 🤑 (so instead, this player's best hand is two pair: Q ♠ Q ♥ 5 ♠ 5 ♣ A ♠ ). 🤑 A player with 2 ♠ 3 ♠ K ♦ J ♦ can play the spade flush.

    , a player with play 🤑 a flush using the ace as would be possible in Texas hold 'em; the player must play two cards from 🤑 in-hand and only three from the board (so instead, this player's best hand is two pair: ). A player with 🤑 play the spade flush. The same concept applies to straights. In Omaha, a player cannot use only one hole card 🤑 and four cards on the board to play a straight. For example, with a board of 5 ♠ 6 ♥ 🤑 7 ♦ 8 ♥ A ♠ , a player with J ♦ J ♠ 4 ♦ 9 ♠ or J 🤑 ♦ J ♠ 9 ♦ 9 ♠ cannot play a straight. But a player with J ♦ J ♠ 4 🤑 ♦ 3 ♠ can play a straight from 3 to 7;

    , a player with or play a straight. But a 🤑 player with play a straight from 3 to 7; Two pair on the board does not make a full house 🤑 for anyone with a single matching card as it does in Texas hold 'em. For example, with a board of 🤑 J ♠ J ♦ 9 ♦ 5 ♥ 9 ♣ , a player with a hand of A ♠ 2 🤑 ♠ J ♥ K ♦ cannot play a full house; the player can only use the A-J to play J 🤑 ♠ J ♥ J ♦ A ♠ 9 ♣ , since they must play three of the board cards. A 🤑 player with J ♣ 2 ♣ 9 ♠ 10 ♠ can use their J-9 to play the full house J 🤑 ♠ J ♦ J ♣ 9 ♠ 9 ♦ (or 9 ♣ ). Likewise, a player with 10 ♠ 5 🤑 ♣ 5 ♠ 2 ♣ can use their 5-5 to play the full house J ♠ J ♦ 5 ♥ 🤑 5 ♣ 5 ♠ .

    , a player with a hand of cannot play a full house; the player can only 🤑 use the to play , since they must play three of the board cards. A player with use their to 🤑 play the full house (or ). Likewise, a player with use their to play the full house . Likewise, with 🤑 three of a kind on the board, a player must have a pair in hand to make a full house. 🤑 For example, with a board of J ♠ J ♦ A ♦ J ♥ K ♣ , a player with 🤑 A ♠ 2 ♠ 3 ♥ K ♦ does not have a full house, the player only has three jacks 🤑 with an ace-king kicker, and will lose to a player with only a pair of deuces. This is probably the 🤑 most frequently misread hand in Omaha. (Naturally, a person with the fourth jack in hand can make four jacks because 🤑 any other card in hand can act as the fifth card, or "kicker".)

    Omaha hi-low split-8 or better [ edit ]

    A 🤑 showdown in Omaha hi-low split. Player on the left wins the low-hand half with the nut low A-2-3-4-5, player on 🤑 the right wins the high-hand half with a full house 5-5-5-J-J

    The most valuable starting hand in Omaha hi-low split

    In Omaha 🤑 hi-low split-8 or better (simply Omaha/8), each player makes a separate five-card high hand and five-card ace-to-five low hand (eight-high 🤑 or lower to qualify), and the pot is split between the high and low (which may be the same player). 🤑 To qualify for low, a player must be able to play an 8-7-6-5-4 or lower (this is why it is 🤑 called "eight or better"). A few casinos play with a 9-low qualifier instead, but this is rare. Each player can 🤑 play any two of their four hole cards to make their high hand, and any two of their four hole 🤑 cards to make their low hand. If there is no qualifying low hand, the high hand wins (scoops) the whole 🤑 pot. This game is usually played in the fixed limit version, although pot limit Omaha/8 is becoming more popular. A 🤑 few low-stakes online tournaments feature no limit Omaha/8.

    The brief explanation above belies the complexity of the game, so a number 🤑 of examples will be useful here to clarify it. The table below shows a five-card board of community cards at 🤑 the end of play, and then lists for each player the initial private four-card hand dealt to him or her, 🤑 and the best five-card high hand and low hand each player can play on showdown:

    Board: 2 ♠ 5 ♣ 10 🤑 ♥ 7 ♦ 8 ♣ Player Hand High Low Alan A ♠ 4 ♠ 5 ♥ K ♣ 5 ♥ 🤑 5 ♣ A ♠ 10 ♥ 8 ♣ 7 ♦ 5 ♣ 4 ♠ 2 ♠ A ♠ Bryan A 🤑 ♥ 3 ♥ 10 ♠ 10 ♣ 10 ♠ 10 ♣ 10 ♥ 8 ♣ 7 ♦ 7 ♦ 5 🤑 ♣ 3 ♥ 2 ♠ A ♥ Chris 7 ♣ 9 ♣ J ♠ Q ♠ J ♠ 10 ♥ 🤑 9 ♣ 8 ♣ 7 ♦ Cannot qualify Derek 4 ♥ 6 ♥ K ♠ K ♦ 8 ♣ 7 🤑 ♦ 6 ♥ 5 ♣ 4 ♥ 7 ♦ 6 ♥ 5 ♣ 4 ♥ 2 ♠ Eve A ♦ 🤑 3 ♦ 6 ♦ 9 ♥ 10 ♥ 9 ♥ 8 ♣ 7 ♦ 6 ♦ 7 ♦ 5 ♣ 🤑 3 ♦ 2 ♠ A ♦

    In the deal above, Chris wins the high-hand half of the pot with their J-high 🤑 straight, and Bryan and Eve split the low half (getting a quarter of the pot each) with 7-5-3-2-A.

    Some specific things 🤑 to notice about Omaha/8 hands are:

    In order for anyone to qualify low, there must be at least three cards of 🤑 differing ranks 8 or below on the board. For example, a board of K-8-J-7-5 makes low possible (the best low 🤑 hand would be A-2 , followed by A-3 , 2-3 , etc.) A board of K-8-J-8-5 , however, cannot make 🤑 any qualifying low (the best low hand possible would be J-8-5-2-A , which does not qualify). Statistically, around 60% of 🤑 the time a low hand is possible.

    to qualify low, there must be at least three cards of differing ranks or 🤑 below on the board. For example, a board of makes low possible (the best low hand would be , followed 🤑 by , , etc.) A board of , however, cannot make any qualifying low (the best low hand possible would 🤑 be , which does not qualify). Statistically, around 60% of the time a low hand is possible. Low hands often 🤑 tie, and high straights occasionally tie as well, as do, even more rarely, full houses. In theory, it is possible 🤑 to win as little as a 14th of a pot (though this is extraordinarily rare). Winning a quarter of the 🤑 pot is quite common, and is called "getting quartered." One dangerous aspect of playing for the low pot is the 🤑 concept of "counterfeiting". To illustrate, if a player has, for example, 2-3 and two other cards in their hand and 🤑 the flop is A-6-7 , that player has flopped the "nut low". However, if either a 2 or a 3 🤑 hit the board on the turn or the river, the hand is "counterfeited" and the nut low hand is lost 🤑 (the player still has a much weaker low hand however, with 3-4 , 3-5 and 4-5 making better lows). This 🤑 is why there is significant extra value in possessing the "protected" nut low. To illustrate this, if the player has 🤑 2-3-4 in their hand their low is protected, i.e. if a 2 or 3 hits the board they still have 🤑 the lowest possible hand. To lose the nut low in this case either a 2 and a 3 , a 🤑 2 and a 4 , or a 3 and a 4 would have to hit the board on the turn 🤑 and the river (giving the nut low to a player holding 4-5 , 3-5 and 2-5 , respectively), an unlikely 🤑 possibility. For similar reasons it is significantly better to possess the protected nut low draw over the low draw. For 🤑 example, this could be having A-2-3 with a flop of 7-8-9 ; any low card below 7 on the turn 🤑 or river gives the player the best low.

    and two other cards in their hand and the flop is , that 🤑 player has flopped the "nut low". However, if either a or a hit the board on the turn or the 🤑 river, the hand is "counterfeited" and the nut low hand is lost (the player still has a much weaker low 🤑 hand however, with , and making better lows). This is why there is significant extra value in possessing the "protected" 🤑 nut low. To illustrate this, if the player has in their hand their low is protected, i.e. if a or 🤑 hits the board they still have the lowest possible hand. To lose the nut low in this case either a 🤑 and a , a and a , or a and a would have to hit the board on the turn 🤑 and the river (giving the nut low to a player holding , and , respectively), an unlikely possibility. For similar 🤑 reasons it is significantly better to possess the protected nut low draw over the low draw. For example, this could 🤑 be having with a flop of ; any low card below on the turn or river gives the player the 🤑 best low. When four or five low cards appear on the board, it can become very difficult to read the 🤑 low hands properly. For example, with a board of 2 ♦ 6 ♥ A ♣ 5 ♣ 8 ♠ , 🤑 the hand 2 ♥ 4 ♠ 5 ♠ K ♦ is playing a 6-5-4-2-A (either their 2-4 with the board's 🤑 A-5-6 , or their 4-5 with the board's A-2-6 --either way makes the same hand). In this situation he is 🤑 often said to be playing their "live" 4 , that is, their 4 , plus some other low card that 🤑 matches the board but still makes a low because the one on the board isn't needed. A player with 3 🤑 ♠ 5 ♠ 10 ♥ J ♦ is playing a "live" 3 , for a low of 6-5-3-2-A , which 🤑 makes a better low. However, a player with 3 ♣ 7 ♦ Q ♦ Q ♠ can only play 7-5-3-2-A 🤑 low; even though he has a "live" 3 , he must play two low cards from their hand, and so 🤑 he must play their 7-3 , and cannot make a 6 -high low hand.

    , the hand is playing a (either 🤑 their with the board's , or their with the board's --either way makes the same hand). In this situation he 🤑 is often said to be playing their "live" , that is, their , plus some other low card that matches 🤑 the board but still makes a low because the one on the board isn't needed. A player with is playing 🤑 a "live" , for a low of , which makes a better low. However, a player with can only play 🤑 low; even though he has a "live" , he must play two low cards from their hand, and so he 🤑 must play their , and cannot make a -high low hand. Starting hands with three or four cards of one 🤑 rank are very bad. In fact, the worst possible hand in the game is 2 ♠ 2 ♣ 2 ♥ 🤑 2 ♦ . Since the only possible combination of two cards from this hand is 2-2 , it is impossible 🤑 to make low. As no deuce remains to appear on the board, it will be impossible to make three deuces 🤑 or deuces full, and anyone with any matching card to the board will make a higher pair. Likewise, starting with 🤑 four cards of one suit makes it less likely that you will be able to make a flush. Starting with 🤑 four different suits yields no chance for a flush, and starting with four disconnected cards reduces straight possibilities. Computer analysis 🤑 of the best starting hands has proven that the best starting hand for Omaha is A-A-K-K (double suited). One favorite 🤑 starting hand for Omaha is A-A-J-10 (double suited), because of its wider range for making the nut straight (J-7, Q-8, 🤑 K-9, and A-10). For the Hi-Lo variation, the most valuable starting holding is A-A-2-3 (double suited). [5]

    bad. In fact, the 🤑 worst possible hand in the game is . Since the only possible combination of two cards from this hand is 🤑 , it is impossible to make low. As no deuce remains to appear on the board, it will be impossible 🤑 to make three deuces or deuces full, and anyone with any matching card to the board will make a higher 🤑 pair. Likewise, starting with four cards of one suit makes it likely that you will be able to make a 🤑 flush. Starting with four different suits yields no chance for a flush, and starting with four disconnected cards reduces straight 🤑 possibilities. Computer analysis of the best starting hands has proven that the best starting hand for Omaha is (double suited). 🤑 One favorite starting hand for Omaha is (double suited), because of its wider range for making the nut straight (J-7, 🤑 Q-8, K-9, and A-10). For the Hi-Lo variation, the most valuable starting holding is (double suited). Hands to avoid tend 🤑 to contain mainly middle-ranked cards, which are of little use for any low splits and which tend to generate lower 🤑 pairs and sets, weaker flushes and lower straights and can be very expensive. Four of a kind is the worst 🤑 possible starting hand in Omaha, in contrast to most other poker games, where it is exceptionally strong. [6]

    Straights and flushes 🤑 are ignored when judging low hands. Low hand ranks from best to worst: 5-4-3-2-A (the wheel), 6-4-3-2-A, 6-5-3-2-A, 6-5-4-2-A, ..., 🤑 8-7-6-5-4. Low hands can thus be read as numbers between 54,321 and 87,654 (with the exception of any number that 🤑 has a pair, i.e. 54,322). The lowest number that any player can make, while ordered from high card to low, 🤑 is the best possible low hand in play. For example: 2♠ 3♣ 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ wins over A♠ 2♣ 3♥ 🤑 4♣ 8♠[7]

    Pot-limit Omaha [ edit ]

    The worst starting hand in Omaha

    Pot-limit Omaha (frequently shortened to PLO) is popular in Europe, 🤑 online, and in high-stakes "mixed games" played in some American casinos. This variant is more often played high only, but 🤑 can also be played high-low. To a still greater degree than in Limit Omaha Hi-Lo, PLO is a game of 🤑 drawing, when drawing, to the nut hand.[8] Second best flushes and straights can be, and frequently become, losing hands, especially 🤑 when a player is willing to commit their entire stack to the pot. Furthermore, because of the exponential growth of 🤑 the pot size in pot-limit play, seeing one of these hands to the end can be very expensive and carry 🤑 immense reverse implied odds.

    Wraps [ edit ]

    In poker, an out is any unseen card in the deck that will give 🤑 a player the best hand. A wrap is a straight draw with nine or more outs.[9] This is called a 🤑 wrap because the player’s hole cards are said to wrap-around the board cards. In Texas hold 'em, where players have 🤑 two hole cards, the greatest number of straight outs possible is eight; however, in Omaha, there are four hole cards, 🤑 which can result in straight draws which can have up to 20 outs. An example of a twenty-out wrap is 🤑 J♥ 10♠ 7♦ 6♣ on a flop of 9♥ 8♠ 2♦. To hit a straight, any of the following cards 🤑 is needed: 5♥ 5♠ 5♦ 5♣ 6♥ 6♠ 6♦ 7♥ 7♠ 7♣ 10♥ 10♦ 10♣ J♠ J♦ J♣ Q♥ Q♠ 🤑 Q♦ Q♣.

    Redraws [ edit ]

    A desirable hand to have in PLO is the current best hand with a redraw. For 🤑 example, if the board is Q♠ J♠ 10♥, and the player has A♠ K♣ Q♣ Q♥, then not only do 🤑 they have the current best hand possible (their ace-king makes the ace-high straight), but they also have a redraw with 🤑 the two queens in their hand because if the board pairs, they will make a full house, or four queens. 🤑 A♠ K♠ Q♣ Q♥ would be an even better hand because it has flush and royal flush redraws as well. 🤑 In fact, with the Q♠ J♠ 10♥ board, A♠ K♠ Q♣ Q♥ is approximately an 80-20 money favorite over a 🤑 random hand containing ace-king (see freerolling). Even a pair of queens with any two spades is better than 55-45 against 🤑 a random ace-king hand.

    Omaha Variations [ edit ]

    The most common variations of Pot Limit Omaha high are Five-card Omaha, commonly 🤑 referred as "Big O" very popular in Southeastern United States as a home game and Six-card Omaha or 6-O which 🤑 can be found in many casinos across the UK. Some online poker rooms support Five-card Omaha, Six-card Omaha and Courchevel.

    "Big 🤑 O" (occasionally called Five-card Omaha or 5-O) began appearing in Southern California in 2008 and had spread to most of 🤑 the card rooms in the area by the end of the year.[citation needed]

    Sometimes the high-low split game is played with 🤑 a 9 or a 7-high qualifier instead of 8-high. It can also be played with five cards dealt to each 🤑 player instead of four. In that case, the same rules for making a hand apply: exactly two from the player's 🤑 hand, and exactly three from the board.

    Courchevel [ edit ]

    Courchevel is named after the high-end ski resort in the French 🤑 Alps. According to the urban legend, bored tourists wanted to play a version of poker no-one has ever played before, 🤑 so they came up with this game. The place where Courchevel was most commonly played was the Aviation Club de 🤑 France in Paris. That casino is now closed.[10]

    In the game of Courchevel,[11] players are dealt five hole cards rather than 🤑 four. Simultaneously, the first community card is dealt. Following an opening round of betting, two additional community cards are dealt, 🤑 creating a 3-card flop, where the structure of the game is then identical to standard Omaha. Still, exactly two of 🤑 the five hole cards must be used. Courchevel is popular in France but its popularity has expanded in other parts 🤑 of Europe, particularly the United Kingdom. Courchevel is also available in a hi-low 8 or better variety, and while Courchevel 🤑 is rarely offered on any of the major online poker sites, as of 2024, hi-low sit-and-go games at the micro 🤑 stakes level can be found taking place several times a day on Pokerstars, which had the game since 2013.[12]

    See also 🤑 [ edit ]

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