A Guarda Costeira da China (GCC) relatou que um navio filipino invadiu, este domingo, 🍉 as águas adjacentes a Xianbin Jiao, jogar bingo de cartela gratis Nansha Qundao, na China, e continuou navegando jogar bingo de cartela gratis direção a um navio da 🍉 GCC de maneira perigosa.
A intrusão da embarcação não foi permitida pelo governo chinês, e a GCC tomou medidas 🍉 legais de controle contra ela, conforme a GCC.
Chinese Waters Intrusion
The Chinese waters intrusion by the Filipino ship is 🍉 a serious matter that has been addressed by the Chinese government and the GCC. The GCC reported that the Filipino 🍉 ship invaded the waters adjacent to Xianbin Jiao, in Nansha Qundao, China, and continued to navigate dangerously towards a GCC 🍉 ship.
The game features a fun and colorful version of the classic Lotera game, which players can enjoy online. The gameplay is simple and intuitive, with players using their mouse or touch screen to select and mark off the different cards on their game board.
The winner is the first player that shouts "Buena!" or "Lotera!" right after completing a tabla or a previous agreed pattern, similar to bingo: row, column, diagonal, four corners, or unique to this game, or four in a square (a pozo')'.