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Quando um juiz australiano tomou a decisão incomum de reabrir o julgamento por difamação, apresentado pelo suposto estuprador contra uma 🤶 empresa da mídia e declarou: "Deixe que os raios solares sejam seus melhores produtos".

Foi assim que as alegações mais tarde 🤶 descritas pelo juiz Michael Lee como "sordid" encontraram seu caminho para a esfera pública, dando uma visão surpreendente sobre o 🤶 modo de produtores da maior rede televisiva supostamente garantiram entrevista com ex-funcionário do governo.

O caso de difamação encantou o público 🤶 australiano quando as principais partes tomaram a posição no ano passado, e era alta expectativa para uma decisão na quinta-feira. 🤶 Mas com chegadas novas testemunhas milhares assistiram ao processo reaberto enquanto ele foi transmitido mr jack aviator direto pelo YouTube

As origens da 🤶 história datam de 2024, quando a funcionária do governo Brittany Higgins alegou que ela foi estuprada por um colega na 🤶 Câmara dos Deputados depois duma noite bebendo mr jack aviator Canberra. O homem acusado pelo crime, Bruce Lehrmann sheehrman'ttenmently negou veementemente qualquer 🤶 atividade sexual e no tribunal ele se declarou inocente para uma acusação sem consentimento sobre relações sexuais

Mas o julgamento foi 🤶 abandonado mr jack aviator 2024 devido à má conduta do jurado. Em vez de solicitar um novo processo, os promotores retiraram as 🤶 acusações e disseram que mais ações judiciais representariam "risco inaceitável" para a saúde da Higgins ”.

Isso deixou Lehrmann sem meios 🤶 para refutar as alegações, então ele tomou medidas de difamação contra empresas da mídia pormr jack aviatorreportagem inicial do caso.

Dois 🤶 estabelecimentos resolveram a reivindicação pagando centenas de milhares mr jack aviator custos legais. Mas Network Ten e jornalista Lisa Wilkinson optar por 🤶 lutar contra isso usando uma defesa da verdade - essencialmente incumbindo seus advogados para provar no equilíbrio das probabilidades que 🤶 Lehrmann estuprou Higgins, mas o seu advogado não é um bom exemplo disso mesmo!

Dois anos depois da noite mr jack aviator questão, 🤶 Higgins abriu o capital no ano de 2024 com a alegação que ela havia sido estuprada na Câmara do Parlamento.

Em 🤶 uma entrevista exclusiva com Lisa Wilkinson, da Ten para "The Project", Higgins lembrou de tomar bebidas mr jack aviator março 2024 e 🤶 pegar um Uber junto a outro homem na Câmara dos Deputados onde supostamente estuprou-a no sofá do ministro.

A história enviou 🤶 tremores através da política australiana e levou a um pedido de desculpas do então primeiro-ministro Scott Morrison, que prometeu investigar 🤶 o processo dentro das legislaturas.

A história "O Projeto" não nomeou Lehrmann. Mas ele alegou que incluía informações suficientes para identificá-lo 🤶 como o suposto estuprador, e a acusação de difamação foi intentada enquanto seu julgamento criminal estava mr jack aviator andamento; então pediu 🤶 permissão do tribunal pra estender esse período até apresentar uma reclamação por isso demorou tanto tempo chegar ao Tribunal

Evidências no 🤶 julgamento por difamação foram apresentadas mr jack aviator 2024, pegando manchetes como Lehrmann e Higgins acusaram um ao outro na corte de 🤶 mentir sobre o que tinha acontecido.

Foi a primeira vez que Lehrmann deu testemunho no tribunal – durante seu julgamento criminal, 🤶 ele exerceu o direito de não tomar posição.

No entanto, a primeira vez que o público australiano ouviu seu lado da 🤶 história – mr jack aviator suas próprias palavras na câmera - foi alguns meses antes no programa “Spotlight” do Seven.

"Vamos acender alguns 🤶 incêndios", disse Lehrmann, mr jack aviator um episódio que foi ao ar no mês de junho 2024.

Essa entrevista – e os meses 🤶 que levaram a isso - foi o foco das novas evidências no tribunal nesta semana, já como ex-produtor de “Spotlight” 🤶 Taylor Auerbach revelou afirmações impressionantes sobre Como as equipes negociaram com Lehrmann.

O advogado Matthew Collins KC da Rede Ten argumentou 🤶 que o testemunho de Auerbach era importante, pois falava sobre a credibilidade do Lehrmann e poderia afetar qualquer pagamento caso 🤶 ele ganhasse um processo por difamação.

Sentado mr jack aviator um terno escuro e gravata, Auerbach tomou goles frequentes de água enquanto se 🤶 sentava no tribunal para responder a perguntas sobre seu papel na criação da entrevista Lehrmann.

Ele disse que tinha sido designado 🤶 para ser o "babysitter" de Lehrmann, e ele assumiu como um meio estabelecer uma relação com seu filho a fim 🤶 convencê-lo da exclusividade desejada.

Depois de um jantar mr jack aviator janeiro 2024, Auerbach disse que ele e Lehrmann foram para o quarto 🤶 do hotel supostamente pago por Seven onde afirmou ter produzido uma sacola com cocaína.

"Ele tirou isso e começou a colocá-lo 🤶 mr jack aviator um prato, depois começaram me falando sobre uma história prospectiva de 'Spotlight' (luz do ponto)"e seu desejo para encomendar 🤶 prostitutas ao Meriton naquela noite.

O novo material submetido ao tribunal incluiu uma longa mensagem de texto que Auerbach disse ter 🤶 enviado a um produtor sênior após se encontrar com o assessor da mídia do Lehrmann.

Na mensagem, Auerbach disse que um 🤶 pagamento potencial de cerca 200 mil dólares australianos (USR$ 132.000) havia sido sugerido para a entrevista. O conselheiro lhe tinha 🤶 dito também Lehrmann estava planejando fazer entrevistas com Tucker Carlson e Pier Morgan depois do exclusivo Australiano Aerbahn afirmou no 🤶 texto:

O ex-produtor de televisão fez outras alegações mr jack aviator suas declarações, incluindo que ele colocou 10.000 dólares australianos (US R$ 6.500) 🤶 num cartão da empresa para massagens tailandesa e Lehrmann. Ele disse ter apresentadomr jack aviatorrenúncia no dia seguinte por culpa 🤶 mas ao invés disso recebeu uma promoção na semana seguintes com um aumento salarial

Em um comunicado, a Seven Network disse 🤶 que não ofereceu uma promoção ou salário mais alto para Auerbach nem reembolsou Lehrmann por "despesas supostamente usadas mr jack aviator drogas 🤶 ilegais e prostituta.".

"Sete pessoas agiram corretamente mr jack aviator todos os momentos", disse.

Antes de serem ao ar no tribunal, as alegações sobre 🤶 o dinheiro gasto mr jack aviator massagens foram manchetes na mídia australiana e Lehrmann emitiu uma declaração dizendo que a história era 🤶 "inverídica".

Auerbach respondeu às suas negações com ameaças de ação por difamação e, durante a perseguição desse caso ele entrou mr jack aviator 🤶 contato como advogado do Wilkinson.

Em seu testemunho, Auerbach também alegou que Lehrmann deu à Seven Network evidências demr jack aviatortentativa 🤶 do estupro incluindo extensos registros das mensagens e chamadas gravada.

Nos termos de uma importante convenção legal, os documentos fornecidos 🤶 a um partido para fins específicos não podem ser usados com qualquer outro propósito.

Anteriormente, os advogados de Lehrmann negaram que 🤶 seu cliente era a fonte do material e levantariam o potencial problema da falta dos tribunais.

No entanto, o advogado de 🤶 Lehrmann Matthew Richardson SC minimizou a importância do material dizendo que grande parte da informação estava no domínio público e 🤶 não era usada para nenhum propósito.

Durante o interrogatório, Richardson sugeriu que Auerbach era um ex-funcionário insatisfeito e estava zangado por 🤶 perder seu emprego na Seven.

"Quero sugerir-lhe, Sr. Auerbach que está aqui hoje para causar o máximo de danos ao seu 🤶 ex empregador e antigos colegas quanto possível?" Richardson disse na quinta feira (26)

"Discordo fortemente", respondeu Auerbach.

"E você está preparado para 🤶 mentir nesse esforço", disse Richardson.

"Não, senhor."

Para apoiarmr jack aviatorlinha de questionamento, Richardson jogou um

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com três minutos para a 🤶 corte que mostrou Auerbach quebrando os tacos do golfe da ex-amiga e colega Seven.

Foi postado com as palavras: "Feliz Natal, 🤶 processe-me", ouviu o tribunal.

Auerbach admitiu que odiava seu ex-colega e o considerou parcialmente culpado pela recusa de Seven mr jack aviator estender 🤶 mr jack aviatorcontratação.

Em seu depoimento, Auerbach disse que encontrou evidências demr jack aviatorcrença relevante para o caso e apresentou a declaração 🤶 ao julgamento por solicitação da Rede Dez.

O julgamento por difamação é entre a Rede Dez e Lehrmann, mas as evidências 🤶 ouvidas nos últimos dois dias estão sendo examinadas pelo que diz sobre o estado da indústria de mídia na Austrália.

"Aqui 🤶 a Rede Dez é o réu, mas esta semana parece que Seven está sendo julgado por suas práticas jornalísticas", disse 🤶 Sacha Molitorisz.

Molitorisz, ex-jornalista disse que o jornalismo de cheques tem seu lugar no país mas as alegações foram muito além 🤶 disso e mostram a necessidade do código ético coerente seguido por todos os jornalistas australiano.

“Mas você não precisa de um 🤶 código ético para saber que o sete jornalistas cruzou a linha”, acrescentou.

Margaret Simons, principal membro honorária do Centro de Jornalismo 🤶 Avançado da Universidade mr jack aviator Melbourne (EUA), disse que as revisões sobre a indústria pediram repetidamente mais regulamentação e repercussões para 🤶 os repórteres.

“Toda a saga que você conhece, eu acho tem sido devastadora para o jornalismo de muitas maneiras”, disse Simons.

“Na 🤶 era das notícias falsas, se queremos que as pessoas confiem no jornalismo precisamos nos comportar muito melhor do quê parece 🤶 o Canal Sete”.

Em seu comunicado, Seven disse que ficou "chocado com as alegações feitas nos últimos dias. Não toleramos os 🤶 comportamentos descritos nessas acusações e não refletem a cultura dos Sete".

Durante o julgamento, Lee observou que nenhum dos produtores envolvidos 🤶 no programa "Spotlight" eram membros da Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), principal sindicato de jornalistas na Austrália.

O MEAA tem 🤶 um código de ética que só se aplica aos membros. Após uma discussão sobre o Código emr jack aviatorinterpretação, a 🤶 Justiça Lee disse: "Eu não acho relatar honestamente é tão complicado... É? Não parece ser algo complexo para fazer compras 🤶 mr jack aviator Woolworths."

O juiz Lee se aposentou sexta-feira para considerar as evidências, com uma data ainda a ser definida.

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    Oasis Poker (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Caribbean Stud Poker or Caribbean Poker, which is a different game) is a 🍉 casino poker game, meaning that it’s derived from classic player vs player poker, but instead the player plays against the 🍉 house. Oasis Poker is a derivative of Caribbean Stud Poker that allows the player to discard undesirable cards to receive 🍉 a replacement. Oasis Poker is played with a standard 52 card deck.

    We are aware of Oasis Poker being offered at 🍉 Net Entertainment, Betsoft, GameSys and Galewind casinos.

    Play Structure

    Initially the player places an ‘Ante’ wager and the dealer will deal out 🍉 5 cards to the player and themselves. All but one of the dealers cards are dealt face down (often referred 🍉 to as ‘Hole’ cards). The player then has to make the decision to either Fold their hand – losing their 🍉 Ante wager – discard up to 5 cards or ‘Call’. Where the player chooses to discard cards they will be 🍉 charged a fee equal to the Ante bet for each card they exchange. This fee is not a bet and 🍉 will not be returned regardless of the outcome of the hand. If the player chooses to Call – either before 🍉 or after discarding cards - they have to place a bet twice the size of the Ante wager then the 🍉 dealer’s hole cards are revealed and the hands are compared.

    Hand Comparison

    Oasis Poker ranks hands according to a hierarchy common to 🍉 poker games which is explained below (strongest to weakest);

    * Royal Flush – The Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten cards 🍉 all of the same suit.

    * Straight Flush – five numerically adjacent cards of the same suit (Example – 4, 5, 🍉 6, 7 and 8 of Diamonds). Where both the player and dealer hold a Straight Flush the hand with the 🍉 highest card is considered the winner.

    * 4 of a Kind – four cards of matching rank (Example - 7 of 🍉 Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades). Where both the player and the dealer hold 4 of a Kind the hand with 🍉 the higher rank is considered the winner.

    * Full House – three cards of the same rank and two cards of 🍉 a different but matching rank (Example – 8 of Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds and Jack of Spades and Hearts). Where 🍉 both the player and dealer hold a Full House, the hand with the higher rank 3 of a Kind is 🍉 considered the winner.

    * Flush – five cards of the same suit (Example – Ace, 8, 5, 2 and Queen of 🍉 Spades). Where both the player and dealer hold a Flush the hand with the highest card is considered the winner. 🍉 Where the highest card is matched the second highest is consider and so on.

    * Straight – five numerically adjacent cards 🍉 ignoring suit (Example – 7 of Spades, 8 of Spades, 9 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds and Jack of Diamonds). 🍉 Where both the player and dealer hold a Straight the hand with the highest card is considered the winner.

    * 3 🍉 of a Kind – three cards of the same rank with 2 unmatched cards (Example – 9 of Spades, Clubs 🍉 and Hearts with any two other cards that are not the 9 of Diamonds or a matching pair). Where both 🍉 the player and dealer hold a 3 of a Kind, the hand with the higher ranked 3 of a Kind 🍉 is considered the winner.

    * Two Pairs – two sets of two cards of matching rank with one unmatched card (Example 🍉 – 4 of Clubs and Hearts, 8 Clubs and Spades and a fifth unmatched card). Where the player and dealer 🍉 both have two pairs, the hand with the highest pair is considered the winner. If both hands have matching top 🍉 pair, the higher of the two lower pairs is considered the winner. Where both pairs are matched, the hand with 🍉 the higher ‘Kicker’ (final unmatched card) is considered the winner.

    * Pair - two cards of matching rank with three unmatched 🍉 card (Example – 6 of Clubs and Hearts and any three other cards that are not the six of Spades 🍉 or Diamonds and are not of matching rank). Where the player and the dealer hold a matching pair, the hand 🍉 with the highest Kicker card wins. If the Kicker also matches, the hand is decided by the second Kicker then 🍉 the third if the second Kickers also match.

    * High Card – any five unmatched cards ranked as the highest card 🍉 (Example – 5 of Spades, 9 of Clubs, 7 of Clubs, 2 of Hearts and Ace of Diamonds would be 🍉 considered ‘Ace High’).

    In the instance where both the dealer and player have hands of matching value by the above table 🍉 the hand is considered a push and the player’s bets are returned.


    As with many other poker based casino games, there 🍉 is a qualification hand for the dealer to play. As such payouts vary depending on whether the dealer qualifies or 🍉 not. The dealer qualifies if their hand is Ace/King or better.

    If the player loses all bets placed are lost. If 🍉 the player Folds they lose their Ante bet. If the player wins payouts are decided as follows;

    * If the player 🍉 wins and the dealer does not qualify the Ante bet is paid out at 1 to 1 while the Call 🍉 bet pushes.

    * If the player wins and the dealer does qualify the Ante bet is paid at 1 to 1 🍉 and the Call bets is paid according to the following paytable;

    Hand GameSys Payout* Payout Royal Flush 100 to 1 100 🍉 to 1 Straight Flush 50 to 1 50 to 1 Four of a Kind 26 to 1 20 to 1 🍉 Full House 8 to 1 7 to 1 Flush 5 to 1 5 to 1 Straight 4 to 1 4 🍉 to 1 Three of a Kind 3 to 1 3 to 1 Two Pairs 2 to 1 2 to 1 🍉 Pair 1 to 1 1 to 1 Ace/King 1 to 1 1 to 1 House Edge XXX 0.47%

    * This paytable 🍉 is only used on the ‘Without House Edge’ version of Oasis Poker. It should be noted that when playing the 🍉 Without House Edge games that the house take a 10% cut of any winnings at the end of the session.

    Alternative 🍉 Discard Rules

    Galewind software offer an alternative discard rule. Instead of being charged a full Ante bet for each card discarded 🍉 the charges for discarding different numbers of cards are as follows;

    Number of cards discarded Cost 1 1xAnte 2 2xAnte 3 🍉 3xAnte 4 2xAnte 5 1xAnte

    With this rule Galewind software also make an adjustment to the Call bet paytable;

    Hand Payout Royal 🍉 Flush 100 to 1 Straight Flush 50 to 1 Four of a Kind 20 to 1 Full House 6 to 🍉 1 Flush 5 to 1 Straight 4 to 1 Three of a Kind 3 to 1 Two Pairs 2 to 🍉 1 Pair 1 to 1 Ace/King 1 to 1 House Edge 0.55%

    Jackpot Bet

    The GameSys, GamesOS and Galewind software Oasis Poker 🍉 games also offer a side bet referred to simply as the ‘Jackpot’ bet. This side bet is optional but if 🍉 the player chooses to place the Jackpot bet it costsR$1 and the results are based only on the player’s final 🍉 hand (after any dicard/replacements). The payouts for the Jackpot bet are provided below;

    Hand Hand Probabilities GameSys* GamesOS Galewind Royal Flush 🍉 0.00000153908 1000 1000 Jackpot Straight Flush 0.0000138517 500 500 10% of Jackpot Four of a Kind 0.00024 200 200 500 🍉 Full House 0.001441 70 100 100 Flush 0.0019654 50 60 50 Straight 0.003924646 40 40 3 of a Kind 0.021128451 🍉 25 Jackpot Range NA NA 25000-110280* Break Even Value NA NA 218009.7 House Edge 3.05% 51.69% 31.50%-56.44%*

    * This paytable is 🍉 used for both the normal and ‘Without House Edge’ versions of Oasis Poker at GameSys casinos.

    **The Galewind website lists the 🍉 theoretical minimum House Edge for the Jackpot bet as 24.04% which would equate to a Jackpot size ofR$135793.56. Our Jackpot 🍉 range is based on the reset value and the maximum value we’ve seen.

    Calculating the House Edge and Break Even value 🍉 for the Jackpot Bet

    It is possible calculate the House Edge and break even value for any jackpot value at the 🍉 Galewind game simply by using the Hand Probability figures.

    To calculate the House Edge we multiply the Paytable values by the 🍉 probabilities, sum the results and subtract the remaining possibilities. So if we have a Jackpot value of 94000 the calculation 🍉 would be as follows;

    94000x0.00000153908 + 9400x0.0000138517 + 500x0.00024 + 100x0.001441 + 50x0.0019654 – (1-(0.00000153908 + 0.0000138517 + 0.00024 + 0.001441 🍉 + 0.0019654+))

    0.14467352 + 0.13020598 + 0.12 + 0.1441 + 0.09827 – (1 – 0.00169639)

    0.4309795 - 0.9998303609 = -0.3626

    So the House 🍉 Edge for this Jackpot size is 36.26%

    House Edge*

    The House Edge of Oasis Poker using the standard paytable and across the 🍉 full round of wagering (Ante bet, Discard fees and Call bet) and assuming that the player plays using the optimal 🍉 strategy discussed below is 0.47% and Net Entertainment casinos and 0.55% at Galewind casinos. If the player does not play 🍉 optimally this figure will rise.

    The House Edge of the Jackpot bet is dependent on the paytable the casino is using 🍉 and the size of the Jackpot, but our observations places the House Edge value between 31.50% and 56.44%.

    For further information 🍉 regarding the house edge for both the main game and the Jackpot bet see Beating Bonuses (http://beatingbonuses/oasis.htm).

    Optimal Strategy

    The most important 🍉 aspect of correct strategy while playing Oasis Poker is not to play the Jackpot side bet unless it is over 🍉 the breakeven values listed above. As the Jackpot theoretically should never exceed the breakeven point this means the player should 🍉 never play the Jackpot bet. Even if the Jackpot value was above the breakeven value you should be aware that 🍉 this bet has an extremely high variance and it’s highly unlikely that the regular player will ever hit the Jackpot, 🍉 meaning that realistically the regular player will be playing with a far higher house edge.

    The Optimal Strategy for Discard decisions 🍉 when playing Oasis Poker is relatively straight forward. Unlike Video Poker games the fee for replacing cards makes discarding a 🍉 poor choice except in a small number of situations, namely;

    - When the player holds four cards of a Royal or 🍉 Straight Flush and their hand is not a Straight or a Flush. (Discard the one non-Royal/Straight Flush card)

    - When the 🍉 player holds four cards of a Flush and does not have a Pair. (Discard the one non-Flush card)

    - When the 🍉 player holds four cards to an Outside Straight* and does not have a Pair. (Discard the one non-Straight card)

    This strategy 🍉 can be improved on with a little added complexity be discarding;

    - When the player holds four to a Flush with 🍉 a 22 through 66 pair and the dealer’s upcard is of higher rank than the pair. (Discard the one non-Flush 🍉 card)

    - When the player holds four to an Outside Straight* with a 22 or 33 pair and the dealer’s upcard 🍉 is of higher rank than any cards the player holds. (Discard the one non-Straight card)

    - When the player holds four 🍉 to an Inside Straight* without a pair and the highest card of the Straight is 10 or more with the 🍉 dealer’s upcard of lower rank than any card in the Straight.

    * An ‘Outside’ Straight is four cards that are numerically 🍉 adjacent meaning that two different cards would create a Straight (i.e. 6, 7, 8, 9). An ‘Inside’ Straight would be 🍉 four cards that could make a Straight with a gap in between meaning only one card rank could complete the 🍉 Straight (i.e. 3, 4, 6, 7).

    The above is only the strategy for the Discard decision.

    For the Fold/Call decision the decisions 🍉 are similar to Caribbean Stub Poker and as such are too complex for all but the most dedicated player to 🍉 memorise. A simplified version of this strategy would see the player Call with any hand of Ace/King/Jack/8/3 or better. This 🍉 results in a house edge 0.1% higher than the full optimum strategy. For full Optimum Strategy you can use our 🍉 Strategy Calculator;

    Fairness Calculator

    Below you can find a calculator to allow you to check the fairness of your wins/losses when playing 🍉 Oasis Poker.

    *This fairness calculator will assume that you’ve been playing with the optimal strategy detailed above. If you have not 🍉 then the calculator will NOT return accurate results.

    Winning Strategies


    Hole Carding, Steering or Sorting

    Unlike Blackjack the techniques used to gain an 🍉 advantage over the game of Caribbean Stud Poker in the offline environment are not nearly so widely discussed. Gaining information 🍉 on dealer’s hole cards – be that via edge sorting, steering or hold carding – can produce a player advantage 🍉 as long as the information is used to alter the player’s strategy. Even with information on up to two of 🍉 the dealer’s hole cards and an optimised strategy the player still has a substantial disadvantage (nearly 2%) so you need 🍉 to have knowledge of at least 3 of the dealer’s hole cards before this is a worthwhile game. With perfect 🍉 knowledge of all four dealer hole cards the strategy is trivial – Call, any winning hand or hand where the 🍉 dealer will not qualify – though it may be worth playing some losing hands to avoid unusual/suspicious folding decisions where 🍉 you hold a strong hand. With knowledge of only three hole cards or imperfect knowledge of four cards the strategy 🍉 is more complex.

    The rarity of being able to obtain information on 3 or more of the dealer’s hole cards and 🍉 the high skill level involved ensure that only the most diligent of professional players are ever likely to come across 🍉 this information and it should be emphasized that the risks involved in gaining less than perfect information are likely to 🍉 be substantial.

    The best source of information on how best to play with additional information can be found in James Grosjean’s 🍉 ‘Exhibit CAA: Beyond Counting’. The author provides the full and correct Optimal Strategy for Caribbean Stud Poker for each of 🍉 the different scenarios where additional information can be gathered. This book is widely considered the Bible for the professional player 🍉 and as such is not a worthwhile investment for anyone other than a full time professional Advantage Player (not to 🍉 mention it requires a professional reference to obtain).

    Optimum Strategy and Sharing Hand Information

    Offline the rules of Oasis Poker prohibit players 🍉 sharing information about their hands. Online it’s certainly possible to share hand information if a multi-player tables could be found 🍉 without the casino being aware of it. However given the prohibited nature of this activity in the offline game we 🍉 would not like to comment on the ethics of engaging in such activities. As such the following information is for 🍉 use at the player’s own risk – we do not encourage players to share information while playing Oasis Poker. We’re 🍉 also not aware of any multi-player options in the online environment and include this information simply due to the easy 🍉 modification from Caribbean Stud Poker.

    While the House Edge of Caribbean Stud Poker cannot be reduced enough to give a player 🍉 advantage without more hands being played than we are aware of being available online (at least 7 hands), given that 🍉 the Discard decision substantially reduces the overall House Edge of the game, it may be possible to gain a Player 🍉 Edge at Oasis Poker if enough additional hands are known.

    According to James Grosjean you would need to have information on 🍉 a full 7 hands and the dealer’s up card (36 cards in total) alongside a playing strategy optomized to the 🍉 additional information to gain an edge of 2.374% over the house. 6 or less hands and the house retains the 🍉 edge. Even with complete information the strategy required to obtain this edge is far too complicated for human application. Grosjean 🍉 has developed a count system that couple be feasibly applied by a team of human players that achieves a player 🍉 advantage of 1.34%. We have neither the desire, the inclination, nor the permission to republish the details of this count 🍉 system, but interested parties should look to get hold of Grosjean’s book ‘Exhibit CAA: Beyond Counting’. It should be stated 🍉 that the opportunities for application of this system are extremely rare and very likely not worth the effort for anyone 🍉 but the most dedicated professional player.

    In the Optimal Strategy section of this article you will find our ‘Strategy Calculator’. This 🍉 calculator has an option to generate the Optimum Strategy when additional cards are known. Simply check the ‘Enter Additional Removed 🍉 Cards From Deck’ option and AFTER you’ve entered your hand and the dealer’s upcard, click on the cards that you 🍉 are aware of.


    There are several methods of legitimately gaining an advantage playing online Oasis Poker games. By and large these 🍉 involve the use of promotions, bonuses and comp point systems as the games by themselves – assuming the game is 🍉 functioning in a correct fashion and there are no errors in the paytable – will not provide any additional information 🍉 about the cards and shuffles after every hand.

    It should be noted that online advantage play is not specific to Oasis 🍉 Poker and in recent years the wagering requirements for player’s choosing to play any table game has inflated to the 🍉 point that Oasis Poker is now often a sub-optimal choice for the player. For more information on beating online casinos 🍉 see BeatingBonuses.


    James Grosjean ‘Exhibit CAA: Beyond Counting’

    * All ‘House Edge’ figures in this article are based on the ‘loss per 🍉 unit wagered’ rather than ‘loss per initial bet’.

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