futebol 365 ao vivo

mitzvahceremonies.com:2024/9/7 7:54:36

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futebol 365 ao vivo


As revoltas injustas inevitavelmente serão quebradas: uma leitura básica da nossa história

Governos regidos por indivíduos sem bússola moral afundam-se futebol 365 ao vivo 💱 si mesmos. Atualmente, o nosso governo, sob a liderança de um homem desesperado, preparou-se para prender solicitantes de asilo no 💱 Reino Unido, com o objetivo de deportá-los para o Ruanda. Apesar das declarações da Corte Europeia de Direitos Humanos e 💱 do Supremo Tribunal de que o plano do governo é ilegal, o governo aprova legislação, declarando o Ruanda como seguro. 💱 Trata-se de uma lei destinada a ser desrespeitada, desrespeitando a separação de poderes, transformando uma mentira futebol 365 ao vivo fato legal, para 💱 apoiar um plano inatingível e imoral que cause dor aos traumatizados para reforçar uma administração Premier futebol 365 ao vivo colapso.

Desobediência civil e 💱 ação dos ativistas

A desobediência civil tomará diferentes formas. Solicitantes de asilo esconder-se-ão das autoridades, desaparecendo do sistema. Ativistas futebol 365 ao vivo todo 💱 o país estão prestes a se mobilizar. Redes sociais desempenham um papel fundamental, não apenas quando se trata de direitos 💱 de migrantes, mas também para divulgar chamados de grupos locais para mobilizar ativistas e impedir deportações.

Um espírito de resistência

Com ampliação 💱 de leis anti-imigrantes e restrições à liberdade de protesto, activistas encontram dificuldades futebol 365 ao vivo se opor a políticas e leis que 💱 causam mais sofrimento aos migrantes e refugiados. Apesar dos obstáculos, nada impede que ativistas ofereçam suporte material a aqueles que 💱 correm o risco de serem deportados inadvertidamente, evitando causar pânico entre aqueles que estão futebol 365 ao vivo segurança.

O papel do Partido Trabalhista

Após 💱 uma década de crescente hostilidade futebol 365 ao vivo relação a imigrantes e refugiados, ativistas encaram a tarefa maior de repelir os ataques 💱 Tories, que buscam explorar o sofrimento dos traumatizados futebol 365 ao vivo busca de vantagem eleitoral. No entanto, a situação atual do Reino 💱 Unido e as atitudes alteradas da população reduzem ao mínimo as chances da estratégia Tory de encontrar sucesso. A solidariedade 💱 deve ser valorizada e ampliada, tratando migrantes e refugiados como cidadãos iguais na nossa comunidade.

  • bet365 xg meaning
  • Tem sede no bairro de Santa Teresa Grande, mas também está na Avenida Getúlio Vargas, no bairro Parque do Chá, 💷 na Vila Bressane, no bairro Santa Teresa e na Sede do Grêmio, no bairro Alto da Matriz, em Porto Alegre.

    As 💷 raízes são do movimento da população, na qual houve um forte crescimento populacional.

    Em meados do século XIX, o número de 💷 habitantes de Porto Alegre decresceu, visto

    que o bairro de Santa Teresa Grande também era sede e reduto de importantes centros 💷 econômicos.

    Um prédio de oito andares, no extremo oposto à Avenida Getúlio Vargas, com suas águas calmas, um clube e uma 💷 livraria, com vários sócios.

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    futebol 365 ao vivo

    Item reviewedRe: WE 300b vs CryoTone 300B-WC tubesReply #9 - Decware ForumOk, with ~550

    hours on the amp, ~250 with 💋 the economy tubes plus WE300Bs, and ~300 with the full

    Cryotone Bundle with Cryotone 300Bs, I have some impressions.The Sarah 💋 300B sounds

    great with the economy tubes Decware supplies for ~$600. The amp easily sounds better

    than amps two times 💋 the price.Swapping in the Western Electric 300Bs with the economy

    tubes, the amp sounds utterly amazing, now in the three 💋 to four times the price

    category.The Sarah 300B with the full Cryotone compliment sounds perfect, world-class,

    end game, easily one-and-done 💋 - it's the best I have ever heard, comparable to the

    Kondo Audio Note Gakuoh II 300B monoblocks I've heard, 💋 which are 20x the priceparing

    the Western Electric 300Bs with the rest Cryotone, against full Cryotone including

    their 300Bs: the 💋 WE300Bs are perfectly clear, transparent, detailed, etc. In short,

    everything you would expect, except...when you swap in the Cryotone 300Bs 💋 you realize

    there is more density and clearly more bass response, all the while retaining every

    other excellent characteristic of 💋 the WE300Bs.It's like looking at a magnificent view

    thinking it was perfect with the WE300Bs, then with the Cryotones having 💋 an

    immaculately crystal clear window pane removed and now you have the same view but you

    can feel the breeze 💋 on your face, too, like an added level of realism.On the older

    solid-state amps I had growing up, there used 💋 to be a Loudness button that would give

    it a boost usually designed for low-volume listening...but I would leave it 💋 on all the

    time because I loved the extra density.That is the best way I can describe the

    difference between 💋 the WE300Bs and the Cryotone 300Bs...it's the density

    button.Certainly, this will all come down to personal taste and system uniqueness, 💋 so

    your mileage may vary.I strongly recommend the Cryotone bundle for the Sarah SEWE300B.

    Yes, they are 3x the price 💋 of the economy tubes, and worth every penny. Be aware that

    these tubes are selected by Wathen to go together 💋 synergistically...you may not get the

    full value swapping in one or the other piecemeal...or you might, I have no clue...I

    💋 don't have the time or the interest in doing a sq test like that...I am far too busy

    listening to 💋 this glorious sound.And, I have no real interest in buying additional

    tubes to roll right now, however, I am spending 💋 money on additional sets of Cryotones

    instead, because I want this sound to last forever.​Ghostship

    Item reviewed12AX7-WCL

    Long Plate GoldWhat a 💋 HUGE difference in the tone ranges at the potentiometers.​I was

    LIKE WOW! Tighter crunch and much less overtones. Harmonics are 💋 quick and easier to

    control. My amp is a Hughs and Kettner TriAmp Mark III.Chris T.


    reviewed12AX7-WCM"I replaced the front 💋 input tube of my Decware ZP3 Phono Stage with

    your 12AX7-WCM. The voice clarity is amazing. Also overall depth is 💋 excellent. I'm very

    impressed!"Frank Z.

    Item reviewedEL34-WC"After adequate time to break in, I can’t say

    enough about the extraordinary difference these 💋 tubes make. Prior to these tubes, my

    favorites were the Mullard el 34’s. I still like the Mullard’s, but in 💋 every

    conceivable subjective measure, the Wathen Cryotone el 34’s absolutely outperform them.

    The cryotones are significantly more dynamic, detailed, coherent 💋 top to bottom, full

    bodied, and they are simply captivating. They enable me to play music louder with less

    distortion. 💋 Every part of the frequency is superior to the Mullard’s from the highest

    highs to the lowest lows. Further, the 💋 leading edge, body, and decay of every note is

    beautifully displayed in a natural and captivating way. These are relatively 💋 expensive

    tubes but the result is similar to an amplifier upgrade at a fraction of the cost.

    These are the 💋 best sounding el 34’s I’ve heard to date and I’ve tried everything from

    Gold Lion KT 77’s to Mullard’s, to 💋 Tung Sol’s.These are truly extraordinary!!"Jeff


    Item Reviewed300B-WC"Thank you for such a fine sounding 300B tube! It is remarkably

    spacious, delicate on 💋 top with “air” and dynamic. In the context of new stock tubes,

    the Cryotone 300B-WC stood well against tubes costing 💋 on a net basis at least 30% more.

    The soundstage is wide and deep-as advertised. The certain care of the Wathen 💋 initial

    tube selection/matching process along with this cryogenic process have yielded a fine

    tube and a great value, too. Glad I 💋 bought them! Best regards to you and your team." Ed

    B. In North Carolina

    Item reviewed5AR4-WC"Using these in Decware Tori Mk IV if 💋 you can

    swing it change all the tubes in the MK IV to Cryotone Tubes. Steve Deckert description

    of these 💋 tubes is accurate I took him at his word best money I’ve ever spent on

    tubes.Thank you Steve and Don."Michael 💋 B.

    Item reviewedEL34-WCI have around 60 EL34

    tubes fromR$60 a piece toR$400 a piece. My problem is so many of them 💋 sound so similar.

    Your units work very well with other units of yours. Kind of a match made in heaven.

    💋 The best thing about these tubes so far is I dropped one and it didn't break.Michael


    Item reviewed6SN7-WCI have around 💋 10 sets of this tube both new and old. This Tube

    makes any power tube sound better. It's hard to 💋 believe the difference. These tubes are

    my favorite by far. I give this tube a rating of no equal.Thanks,Michael Lynch


    💋 reviewed12AT7-WCT Texas Special"Hi don, totally awesome! what can say great sounding

    tubes! I did use them with the stock 12sn7 💋 NOS just to see how they sounded and quite

    an upgrade! I have them now with some mint Sylvania VT-99[ 💋 6f8g] with adaptors and I

    think this is the way the LTA preamp should sound much more detailed and natural

    💋 sounding. Most likely will buy other tubes from you in the future."Cheers,Rio


    Item reviewed12AU7-WCL Long Plate"Clean, clear, dynamic. Great tubes!"Bill

    💋 O.

    Item reviewed12AU7-WCL Long Plate"I have a great many NOS 12AU7 tubes, both old

    European and USA. I recently did a 💋 shootout of all my tubes and settled on what I

    thought were the best of them. These tubes are better, 💋 in my opinion, and are now my go

    to 12au7's."Jim M.

    Item reviewed12BH7-WC"I purchased a matched pair of the Cryotone

    12bh7 💋 tubes . I’m using them in my Croft Micro 25RSLS Preamp . After a few hours of

    burn in they 💋 sound nothing short of revelatory . That’s not hyperbole. Extremely clear

    , neutral , hyper detailed but natural sounding with 💋 a wonderfully clear extended

    treble . Huge up tick in resolution compared to any of the previous tubes I’ve used

    💋 including my much loved RCA NOS . Initially I was a bit taken aback at the level

    vividness and resolution 💋 (compared to my more relaxed NOS tubes) I was hearing with

    these tubes but my ears soon adjusted . The 💋 Cryotone’s will definitely staying in place

    . Needless to say I’m very impressed and thrilled with my purchase . So 💋 much so , that

    I’m now going to order the Cryotone 12ax7 WCL tubes . Thank you to Steve at 💋 Decware for

    bringing CryoTone tubes to my attention . My only issue was the very slow USPS delivery

    time ( 💋 2 weeks + ) to me here in Canada . Otherwise - highly recommended . I received

    excellent customer service 💋 from Angie and Don."Drew T.

    Item reviewedEL84-WCI just

    replaced all four tubes in my Decware Zen Triode with Cryotone’s. I’ve only 💋 been

    listening for about 30 minutes, but I’m hooked on the beautiful tone already. I’m very

    pleased with the sound.Ronnie 💋 C.

    Item reviewed5U4GB-WC"I just received the tubes about

    an hour ago. I’ve been listening to some of my favorite tracks. The 💋 combination of the

    Cryotone tubes and my Decware Zen Triode is magical."​Ronnie C.

    Item reviewed6L6GC-WC

    silver"Absolutely wonderful sounding tubes! I dropped 💋 these in my Decware Torii Mk3

    and, even with no burn-in, they sound fabulous. Nice rich harmonics and texture with

    💋 not even the slightest hint of brightness. The amp now throws an enormous soundstage,

    and every subtle nuance on each 💋 recording is laid before the listener for him/her to

    enjoy. Highly recommended!"Chris P.

    Steve DeckertDecware​Tonight I decided to do the

    long 💋 awaited test of some new tubes that I've been excited about.  They were the exact

    same tubes that were already 💋 in the amp, but a different brand and were cryo treated by

    someone who is beyond passionate about it and 💋 knows the secrets to the ramp recipes for

    different materials.  It's like the difference between a simple business that freezes

    💋 shit and hopes it's better, and an obsessed audiophile who froze it 400 different ways

    until he knew the best 💋 possible way so I have been anxious to experience his work.The

    same speakers without the coils are twice as smooth 💋 and balanced as they were last

    night with the coils and the only change is the tubes in the amp.  So it 💋 becomes

    obvious when a high resolution speaker that is capable of cutting you to shreds feels

    like warm kittens and 💋 the sound is fleshy and well, real -- the edge that we've all

    become so used to with this type 💋 of speaker is now a block away from the property with

    no chance of getting anywhere near the music.  Is 💋 it rolled off, no.  Detail is

    increased so far that it is actually this detail that creates the glass smooth

    💋 absolutely transparent rendering of the music.  Like increasing the sample rate from

    44K to 4444444444444444K, it just becomes pure analogue.It 💋 is completely shocking how

    massive the effect of these tubes are on the quality of sound. Literally it feels like

    going 💋 from aR$1K DAC to a 20K vinyl rig.  I really can't believe what I'm hearing.  So

    I put on the 💋 even MORE razor sharp microscopes, the new Lii Audio reference speakers

    that are not even broken in yet, no coil, 💋 and not only were they glass smooth with no

    trace of an edge, but I had to toe them in 💋 directly at my face to get it right.So you

    see, the better your speakers actually are, the harder it will 💋 be to hear good sound

    until the sound is actually good.  When even high  quality tubes like all the stuff

    💋 available on the market today from all the Russian Tubes to the exotic high dollar

    Chinese tubes, I have them 💋 all, not one of them is in this league.Tonight I am hearing

    how good these speakers and my own amplifiers 💋 are for the very first time, no shit.  I

    have a TORII MK5 fully tubed up with CRYOTONE tubes from 💋 Don Thomas.Now don't panic and

    jump all over this guy, there is still more testing to be done but at 💋 the very least we

    will be recommend these tubes for our amplifiers and most likely have them on the

    site.I'll 💋 be talking more about this as things develop but having looked into cryo

    treatment myself (I was going to start 💋 doing it here at Decware) and having come from

    the area where it was invented I do know that just 💋 freezing something to -300 is a far

    cry from actually figuring out how to ramp the temps into the metals 💋 in layers to get

    the best alignments... yet you can legally say you cryo treated it.  Really knowing

    what your 💋 doing for each alloy might take several days of ramping the temps. That's

    going to cost money. That puts a 💋 LOT more pressure on the results to bring about a

    massive increase in performance.  This is one of those times 💋 when it actually works and

    is well worth the cost.This combination of speaker and tubes has taken liquidity to a

    💋 new level that exceeds even what I've heard from the 25th Anniversary Zen Triode amp.

     But then I've never had 💋 real cryo treated tubes in it yet...So to help you gauge this

    a bit better, what I am hearing in 💋 smoothness and lack of glare or edge with superior

    detail from these tubes is as big a difference as you 💋 might hear from adding carpet to

    your listening room for the first time.  It's also like having completely different

    speakers. 💋  It just proves that none of us really know what our shit sounds like because

    we've not heard it's full 💋 potential yet.  And as you well know it only take a little

    piss to spoil your tea so anything to 💋 the microscopic level can become the weak link,

    even the way the molecules in the metals of a vacuum tube 💋 align can be that weak link.

     But only if you have high resolution speakers otherwise it is masked from your 💋 reality

    and filtered into heat.

    "I've been searching for an alternative to expensive and rare

    NOS tubes for my mastering console. 💋 We've been testing these #wathenaudiophile tubes

    for about 6 months now and we've officially declared them the winner!After more than 💋 2

    decades chasing NOS tubes (this desk requires 8 tubes in total) and having mixed

    results, I finally have a 💋 source of new tubes that are super consistent both tube to

    tube and triode to triode. ​So how do they 💋 sound, well... They sound every bit as deep

    and 3 dimensional in the mids as my NOS Amperex tubes, they 💋 have a nice punchy bottom

    end and silky top like my NOS Telefunkens, in fact they bring together some of 💋 the most

    sonically euphoric parts of my favorite tubes in one. So yeah, I like them......a

    lot.​The best part, when 💋 I need more I simply order them....no hunting. Many thanks to

    Don and his crew at @wathen_audiophile."

    "My 1964 Fender Vibroverb 💋 went from being a

    cool old amp to an incredible amp. It's now the best amp I own. And I have 💋 a lot of

    them.​..  It's a total next level upgrade."John Bohlinger

    ​Wathen Cryotone™ Demoby

    Derek Williams6V6-WC

    I’m a fan!“You don’t know what 💋 real tube tone sounds like and

    feels like until you’ve tried Wathen Audiophile’s Cryotone tubes. No other tube has

    been 💋 able to inspire that deeper emotional expression and actually help facilitate that

    magical, powerful flow state that we’re all constantly 💋 reaching for as guitar

    players.The Cryotone EL34’s, 6V6’s and 6L6’s simply blew my mind. They’ve got an

    energy. I don’t 💋 know how else to explain it! I had heard good things about Wathen but I

    didn’t know they were this 💋 good. Nothing else compares, not even close. On top of

    everything, Don is one of the most genuine people you 💋 will meet in this industry. I’m

    beyond grateful to have found Wathen Audiophile, a company that has bridged the gap

    💋 between the emotions I feel and the sounds I hear!"Julian Salas

    The CryoTone Pro Tube

    Conditioner went in seamlessly, inserted into 💋 our signal path between FOH Console and

    the Speaker Processor.  The CryoTone tubes offered us improved clarity and sparkle on

    💋 the top end, while simultaneously improving definition in the entire sound stage and

    improving low end response.  ​The systems we 💋 deploy across campuses are all Meyer

    speakers, and voiced similarly, but the unit actually made the most of the subwoofers

    💋 at our West Campus, which are smaller in size than our other campuses due to some power

    constraints.  All in 💋 all, I was extremely pleased with the added fidelity across the

    entire audio spectrum, and again impressed with the unit’s 💋 ability to make such

    sweeping improvements to the entire sonic experience - improvements that are

    simultaneously subtle and massive in 💋 their impact for the listening audience.​Kevin

    HesterTechnical Arts Director

    "Been playing professionally in rock bands since 1978.

    I've owned a LOT 💋 of tube amps over the years: Mesa, Bogner Ecstasy, Marshall, Peavey,

    MusicMan, Fender, Seymour Duncan Convertible...and many others and many 💋 variations of

    Marshalls and Mesa's. And of course, I went for the hype when Groove Tubes first came

    out. And 💋 yes...they are great tubes. And I've probably used most tubes out there over

    the years in search of the elusive 💋 tone. Ruby, JJ's, Sylvania, RCA, Mullard, etc., etc.

    But these Cryotone tubes? I have NEVER experienced anything like this. I 💋 currently use

    a Mesa Boogie TC-50. And this amp is a monster. But as a guitarist...I'm NEVER

    satisfied with my 💋 tone. Always looking for that extra something to give me that edge. I

    want that buttery, molten gold mid-punch lead 💋 and crunch sound. I want my guitar to

    sing when I'm playing a lead and to be tight, powerful, and 💋 present when I'm playing

    rhythm. So I see these Cryotone 12ax7-WCM tubes at this price...and I'm thinking: This

    has to 💋 be a scam. But...being a guitarist, I went for it anyway! LOL!  I decided to buy

    2 of them. One 💋 for the 1st gain stage of the crunch channel. And one for the 1st gain

    stage of the lead channel. 💋 I fired up the amp thinking: "I'll probably hear a slight

    subtle improvement" Oh hell no! It is a RADICAL 💋 IMPROVEMENT. The crunch channel is

    exactly what I was hearing in my head...an AC/DC type rhythm sound with a touch 💋 more

    gain. And the lead? WOW! The noise level in the lead channel is now negligible. The

    guitar no longer 💋 has a "woo" feedback when the volume is all the way up but I'm not

    playing a note. The articulation 💋 of each note is beautiful. And the tone is PERFECT.

    Guitar is easily catching sympathetic even ordered harmonics on held 💋 notes and sustains

    beautifully. The specs on this tube speak of a boost at 1K. And I would say that 💋 is

    exactly what it's doing. This tube, with the right amp...is THE "Brown Sound" that I've

    been looking for. I 💋 HIGHLY recommend this." Also, do you guys have a Facebook page? I'd

    like to "like" it.Robbie Boyette

    "Julz"Julian GarciaHoly Crap.Its insane hearing 💋 a

    before and after (especially of something I was currently pleased with). The Wathen

    CryoTone tube added much more clarity 💋 and pronounced the high end with such clarity. I

    think it redefined sparkle. One thing was super cool that I 💋 didn't see coming, these

    are such quiet tubes! My orange isn't really noisy, but it's an old 72 head, and 💋 it

    really did some magic. It's unbelievable. I'm about to piss all of my neighbors off.

    Even when I turned 💋 the drive pedals on, the response was much tighter and pronounced.

    It feels as if before, I was driving a 💋 sports car on donuts honestly, is the best way I

    can put it.​

     …I installed the Wathen CryoTone tube and now 💋 I actually enjoy using that

    mic pre.  It sounds lightyears better than it did before.  It's so much clearer, warmer

    💋 and much more articulate.Peter Charell  / Trapt

    ​Jason RossI didn't believe the hype is

    as drastic until I heard these tubes for 💋 myself in my amp. These really improve all the

    things I like in my amp, and minimize everything I don't 💋 want...drastically! Don't look

    any further when it comes to replacing tubes or when looking to upgrade your sound. The

    products and 💋 the people in this company will pleasantly surprise you!


    NOTE:I met Don at Summer NAMM. He demonstrated some of his 💋 speakers for us and I can

    honestly say that I had not heard recorded music sound so clean, warm and 💋 genuine since

    listening to theR$100k stereo system my audiophile-freak trust-funded buddy put

    together back in the early 70’s before everything 💋 in the audio world went to pot (Don’s

    amp and speaker cost a fraction of that). We got to talking 💋 and it was immediately

    clear that Don was the audiophile’s audiophile – he talked the talk and clearly walked

    the 💋 walk. As we were leaving the booth, he gave us a couple of his guitar amp tubes to

    try. We 💋 did try them and minds were blown for a second time. I’ll personally NEVER use

    another tube in any of 💋 my amps.I asked Don to contribute an article for this issue of

    RIFF and happily he generously complied. Prepare thyself 💋 for mind blowage in following

    said article. – Brad Wendkos

    ​Hello all, Billy Decker here.. I just finished up mixing

    Sony 💋 recording artist , “Chris Young's” new 2024 release and had the pleasure of using

    the Wathen Reference .5’s to aid 💋 in that process….First off I have used the same set of

    speakers since I started mixing back in 1998, so 💋 I was a little apprehensive to try

    anything. “If it aint broke? Why fix it”….. A friend of mine introduced 💋 Carl, son of

    founder Don Thomas.  He came walking in to my studio carrying the coolest “wooden”

    speakers….. Being an 💋 amateur woodworker myself, I was instantly intrigued? I was

    thinking to myself…”please sound as good as they look”.. lolAfter Carl 💋 hooked up their

    proprietary amplified that pair’s perfectly with the Wathen Reference.5’s….. We let the

    fun begin….. The first thing 💋 I noticed was a speaker that was fun to listen to…. I went

    back and forth a/b-ing against my old 💋 standby’s and quickly noticed a very smooth

    midrange with “soft muted” highs…..the .5’s are a speaker that “everyday’ers” like

    myself 💋 can listen to without fatiguing… I was actually able to listen at much lower

    volumes, and still feel like I 💋 could hear my low end correctly…After referencing some

    of my favorite records, I then dove into my stuff to see 💋 how that sounded….. I

    immediately realized i could now “really”, hear my reverb tails and delays trailing

    off…. If my 💋 old speakers were 2d, then the .5’s were 3d…. It was almost as if i could

    peer into them…..I convinced 💋 Carl to leave them so I could take them out for a test

    spin… It just so happened I was 💋 starting on Chris’ new record the next day….. Well 2

    #1’s later, I guess you have your answer?…. I am 💋 not only sold on the Wathens, I can’t

    live without them anymore…. They have become my main mixing speakers… Yes 💋 as you can

    see in the pictures, I still have my old ones, but they can get really loud and 💋 I’d

    rather let the client blow those up rather than the Wathens…hahahahaha……So in summary,

    the answer to my question is 💋 yes……they do sound as good as they look!…Billy DeckerMixer

    of 11 country billboard #1’sbased out of Nashville TNthe Cabin at 💋 Westwood


    been an audio enthusiast for over 20 years and an audio engineer/ producer for over a

    decade I've monitored 💋 on just about every caliber of speaker from Jensens to Genelecs

    and everything in between. By now I'm afraid to 💋 say I've become somewhat of a speaker

    snob.I recently had the pleasure of using a pair of Wathen Reference .50 speakers

    💋 during the making of my band's third album. I had multiple other options during the

    recording process including several sets of 💋 high-end studio monitors, but I found

    myself going back to the Wathens time and time again to the point of 💋 using them almost

    exclusively.The fidelity of the speakers is simply superb. Even at extremely low

    volumes EQ decisions are easy 💋 and enjoyable. Crank them up and they sparkle without

    being the slightest bit shrill, while projecting just the right amount 💋 of punchFor

    serious monitoring the sub woofer is a must. Paired with a sub these have become my

    absolute favorite speakers. 💋 They sound as good as they look... and they look

    amazing.Big thanks to Don and Carl at Wathen for turning 💋 me on to these bad boys.I

    highly recommend these speakers! JB PattersonSinger/ Songwriter/ Producer/ EngineerJB

    and the Moonshine Band"

    I like the 💋 tubes very much.Every time I use them,I am reminded

    of the first time I ever played through a tube amp. 💋 The harmonic character and touch

    sensitivity is tremendous.Dennis Shepherd ​

    There I was, walking through NAMM when my

    buddy told me that 💋 there were these studio monitors that I just had to check out.  My

    understanding of the differences between studio monitors 💋 was pretty limited at that

    point despite my working in studios and producing for years, but his enthusiasm won me

    💋 over.  When I sat down and listened to the sound coming through those Wathen Audiophile

    Inertia Cubes, I suddenly understood 💋 the difference between “ok speakers” and

    professional-grade studio monitors.The best way that I can describe it is this: Imagine

    a 💋 graphic EQ on a really good stereo, which usually covers 8 bands of graphic EQ that

    you can tweak.  Now 💋 imaging that Graphic EQ expanded to 64 bands that you can hear and

    tweak. That’s the level of clarity we’re 💋 talking about here.Since getting my own set of

    Inertia Cubes - as well as my killer Wathen Audiophile power amplifier 💋 - my mixes have

    gotten exponentially better simply because of how much I can now hear that I never

    realized 💋 was there.  They are my go-to and I wholeheartedly recommend them to any

    producer regardless of your experience. And as 💋 a bonus, everyone at Wathen Audiophile

    is super helpful and about the friendliest people I’ve ever met. They’ve quickly become

    💋 extended family to me!Johnnie FerroMixed Media Girl Photography

    "These Wathen CryoTone

    tubes really bring out the best of my rig! I 💋 never believed I would hear such a tonal

    change but it was like a whole different beast jumping out!" Stephen Lewis​

    A 💋 good

    tube amp can be inspiring.  And with the right tubes not only will you hear the

    difference but you 💋 will feel the difference.  For me Wathen Audiophile CryoTone tubes

    are the only way to go.  The sweet spot is 💋 huge.  I've never sounded more "in

    tone".Laurence Bell​

    “Holy cow, Don!  These are amazing and clearly NIGHT AND DAY from

    the 💋 Groove Tubes I had been using.  The power tubes are incredible and the preamp the

    12AX7-WCB in the V1 position 💋 is the best for my ’79 Marshall.Love these! Every guitar

    shop should carry these!  Michael P”

     All I can say is 💋 “OMG”.  With all CryoTone tubes

    installed, my pre and amp sound FANTASTIC.You’ve saved me.  I’ve been so frustrated

    with the 💋 sound of my recent pre/amp purchase.  I just could not believe this expensive

    gear could sound as bad as it 💋 did.  It was like a blanket over the sound, thick and

    flat.  I turned the volume up so high in 💋 my struggle to find the missing detail, that I

    might have permanently damaged my hearing.In an attempt to “fix” the 💋 sound, I began to

    search for “better” NOS tubes to replace the NOS tubes supplied with the pre and amp.

    💋  I was discouraged from the start, by the prices and by my awareness that most of the

    NOS tubes I 💋 had tried in the past were expensive disappointments, even though all were

    premium-priced, highly-regarded NOS tubes, with accurate and favorable 💋 test results,

    from top boutique NOS tube suppliers.Eventually, I came to my senses and remembered how

    a previous CryoTone tube 💋 purchase had made my headphone amp sound wonderful.  I don’t

    know why I had let myself be led astray again 💋 by NOS propaganda, and did not reach out

    to you sooner.  I could have spared myself a lot of grief.When 💋 the new CryoTone tubes

    arrived, I was immediately taken with the beauty of the 12AX7 “Long Plates”.  They were

    at 💋 least as well-constructed as any highly-praised NOS tubes I have ever seen.  When I

    installed the full set of CryoTone 💋 tubes, I experienced an immediate revelation.

     Everything sounded so rich and clear and correct, with much less noise.  Don’s

    recommendations 💋 had become prophecy.Now, with the full set of CryoTone tubes broken-in,

    I can’t believe just how amazing my system sounds. 💋  Everything sounds completely

    “right”.  Strings and piano are dynamic without the unrealistic “ringing” of many

    European NOS tubes.  Snare and 💋 toms are clear and punchy.  Bass drums “thump” as they

    should, not the “thwack” produced by the NOS tubes I 💋 had tried.  The difference between

    a stick hit on an open hi-hat and a stick hit on closed hi-hat is 💋 now distinguishable.

     Symbols produce an accurate “sizzle”, not a weak “tizz”.Every note and instrument has

    exactly the correct balance and 💋 emphasis.  The dynamics of the CryoTone tubes paint a

    very musical portrait, without being exaggerated or “shouty”.  Vocals are crystal 💋 clear

    and natural.  Chest and palate are equally present in the vocals, unlike the overly

    “chesty” rendition by some “warmer” 💋 NOS tubes.The quietness, clarity, and dynamics

    provided by the CryoTone tubes has allowed me to significantly reduce the volume while

    💋 retaining all the detail and musicality.  No more listening fatigue from noisy NOS

    tubes and straining to hear missing details.I 💋 could go on and on, as I sit here

    enjoying all my favorite music like I’m hearing it for the 💋 first time.  All genres:

    folk, jazz, bluegrass, rock, electronica, classical, you name it.  The CryoTone tubes

    reproduce all correctly, something 💋 no NOS tube was ever able to accomplish.I don’t know

    how you do it.  But I am so glad to 💋 have you providing me with the best sounding tubes

    from now on, so I can get back to focusing on 💋 enjoying the music.Gratefully

    yours,Ritch Greensboro, NC

    The absolute best preamp tube out there!!!I stumbled across

    this tube while looking up another preamp 💋 tube on Musicians Friend and decided to give

    it a shot. I have a JCM800 2205 with 5 preamp tubes 💋 and have learned that V1 and V5 are

    the most important tubes. I decided to buy this one to try 💋 in V1. When I turned the amp

    on I could hear and feel the difference immediately. It was exactly as 💋 it was described

    and has an incredible smooth feel. I've experimented with many preamp tubes and spent a

    small fortune 💋 trying to find the right combination, but this is the one!!! Will be

    getting another one for V5!!!By JAMFrom Illinois

    After 50 operating 💋 hours, I can tell

    that the my audio experience is surely plenty excellent. The scene isperfectly focusing

    and every instrument, 💋 if audio recording was great, stay exactly in the right

    positionand plane. Female voice is articulated in every detail so 💋 as the male voice are

    deep and rich of color.Bass frequency are deep, steady and really full body also when

    💋 the frequency touch 35 Hz and under.High frequency are clear and brilliant without

    producing any listening fatigue. The stage is 💋 absolutely silentwithout any kind of

    noise or 50 Hz vibration noise. These 12AU/7 tubes are really a perfect mix of

    💋 moderntechnology and warm sound of rare and more and more expensive rare NOS.Sincerely

    yoursbeppe malòItaly

    I received the 12DW7-WC tube today. 💋  Wow!  The reverb is

    swimmingly nice, but the tremolo is SOOOO much more liquid and fluid.  Almost like

    being intoxicated 💋 in a gooey vibe.  All the "edges" have been blunted but with full

    clarity.  Very nice.Thank you for making the 💋 atmosphere so much more enjoyable.​Lou


    Well, just writing to let you know that I FINALLY get the Wathen CryoTone tubes

    💋 two weeks ago. Pre-amps tubes changed and I don't know if my english is good enough to

    say what I 💋 felt when I turned my amps on. My Swart AST (with 12AX7-WCB) now has an

    incredible mid-range, more definition and more clarity. 💋 The top end is absolutely the

    best thing I noticed. It is so great when the reverb or tremolo (or both) 💋 are on.

    Another thing is that I noticed a little less headroom if we compares to JJ 12AX7 which

    I 💋 was using, for me, at the beginning, was not a good thing but I realized that the

    breakup got more 💋 smooth and more dynamic. On other words, it starts to breakup around

    three but it does not get completely dirty 💋 until 7. It increased the sweet-spot of my

    AST and now it is easier to play with dynamic. It feels like I just 💋 started to

    rediscover my amp and try another possibilities, which I realy like and love in the AST

    circuitry. With that 💋 said, I put on the preamp of my Morgan Dual 40 a 12AX7-WCM (on the

    front of the AC circuitry) 💋 and the CryoTone EF86-WC (on the front of

    the top-boost channel) and OH MY GOD. With the WCM on the front of 💋 my AC Channel I

    noticed more chime because the increased mid-range. The low end is heavy and tight, I

    really liked 💋 in that way. The cleans are stellar and as the 12AX7-WCB I noticed a

    little more gain on this one compared 💋 to JJs. But I think the greatest change on my

    Dual 40 was the EF86-WC on Top-boost channel. It seems to be 💋 much more alive, the

    cleans on this channel are stellar and I noticed much more definition, clarity and

    presence compared to 💋 my other tube (I don't know the brand because it has no label on

    the tube). The top-boost channel is now my 💋 favorite on this amp so tight, so punchy and

    so balanced.The feeling I had was something like you listen your music 💋 after the

    mastering process. Everything seems to be more present, more alive. I can say that I am

    really happy 💋 with this tubes on V1 of my amps and I think it really put them on another

    level. I am 💋 in love with the Wathen CryoTones, especially this EF86-WC and the

    12AX7-WCB.By the way, thank you, Angie and Don for 💋 your product and for do what you did

    to get this tubes delivered in time. Well, so much time since 💋 we first get in touch but

    finally the tubes are here and already doing their jobs.In September I will be in the

    💋 US myself and I would love to get some power tubes. (the Dual 40 takes a matched quad

    of EL84, 💋 for example)Thank you very much!Best regards,Victor de AlmeidaBrazil ​


    running 3 different hi-fi systems, all of which incorporate Wathen CryoTones in the

    💋 respective tube compliment. Their noise floor is way below anything out there --NOS,

    NIB, Vintage, or current production; and it's 💋 consistent across the entire CryoTone

    line. ​I laugh when I hear them called "pricey" because I don't consider the cost

    💋 comparison tube to tube. It's far more accurate to consider the Wathen CryoTone price

    compared to the cost of trying 💋 tube after tube after tube in an ongoing search for what

    Wathen makes available. They actually represent a savings because 💋 they bring that

    search to an end.Douglas L. Horn

    The CryoTones are working very well.  All tubes have

    been replaced with 💋 CryoTones. I have them in my Swart ST-Stereo amp(s).  12AX7’s for

    preamp and reverb, 12DW7 for tremolo, 6L6’s for power tubes 💋 and 5A4 for rectifier.The

    sound is not colored, but firmer.  More “there” without any residue, if that makes

    sense. The 💋 sound is more focused.  Similar to either hearing something directly in

    front of you instead of around the corner.  I 💋 especially notice the difference in the

    hollow body guitars.  More of the volume of the guitar is present. The tremolo 💋 is more

    present than previous.The sound is definitely firmer.  I am able to be more dynamic and

    punch it with 💋 more clarity at the old volume settings on the amp and can add a little

    more output to the amp 💋 if I want it to grind.  But again, the sonic clarity of the

    highs and lows are not so much 💋 effected.  They are relatively the same.  They are just

    more clear and present allowing more dynamics and touch sensitivity.  It’s 💋 almost

    “acoustic” if that makes sense.You have a great product. Thank you for improving

    my sound.Lou Vergne​

    ARE U KIDDIN ME!!! ..OMG...OMG.. I 💋 Just Replaced my beloved

    CIFTE 12au7 with One of Yours. NIGHT and DAY Difference. My CIFTE has Now Taken Up

    Permanent Residence on 💋 the SHELF!! I will NEVER-EVER Buy ANOTHER TUBE...EVER..UNLESS IT

    SAYS...WATHEN... ON THE PACKAGE..INCREDIBLE. I've been an Audiophile for 30 years, What


    developing these..ALL...And I MEAN ALL, My Future Tube Purchases will be From

    You..Sincerely Mike G.

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