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Triatleta belga que adoeceu após nadar na corrida feminina diz que não contraiu E.coli

A triatleta belga que adoeceu após nadar 💵 na corrida feminina afirmou 7bet k uma publicação 7bet k7bet kpágina no Instagram ter contraído um vírus, e não a bactéria 💵 E.coli.

Claire Michel disse ter sentido a necessidade de "esclarecer algumas coisas" após a divulgação de "informações contraditórias". Ela disse que 💵 os exames de sangue mostraram que contraiu um vírus, e que após três dias de vômitos e diarreia, precisou de 💵 atenção médica significativa no Policlínico no vilarejo olímpico.

Michel não especificou qual vírus ela contraiu.

O Comitê Olímpico da Bélgica anunciou no 💵 domingo que7bet kequipe desistiu da corrida de revezamento misto de triatlo após Michel adoecer. Essa movimentação, juntamente com a 💵 necessidade da equipe suíça de substituir um de seus atletas que desenvolveu uma infecção gastrointestinal, levantou mais questões sobre a 💵 qualidade da água no Sena.

O comunicado não especificou a doença de Michel, mas continha palavras fortes que pareciam ser dirigidas 💵 aos organizadores: "O COIB e o Triatlo Belga esperam que sejam aprendidas lições para competições futuras de triatlo nos Jogos 💵 Olímpicos, como garantir dias de treinamento, dias de competição e o formato de competição, que deve ser esclarecido com antecedência 💵 e garantir que não haja incerteza para os atletas e equipe de apoio."

Michel, que agora retornou à Bélgica, disse que 💵 está se recuperando "gradualmente".

As corridas de triatlo ocorreram no Rio Sena após os resultados da qualidade da água serem considerados 💵 "muito bons" pelos organizadores. As corridas de natação maratona também estão marcadas para acontecer no Sena nas quintas e sextas-feiras.

Nadadores 💵 de maratona foram liberados para entrar na água para treinar às sextas-feiras de manhã na capital francesa, um dia após 💵 os organizadores cancelarem uma sessão de treinamento devido a "preocupações com a qualidade da água".

Em um comunicado às quartas-feiras, o 💵 Paris 2024 disse que os resultados dos testes "foram avaliados como compatíveis pelo World Aquatics", permitindo que a sessão de 💵 familiarização ocorresse.

A decisão de realizar algumas provas de natação no famoso rio que divide Paris levantou algumas sobrancelhas quando foi 💵 anunciada pela primeira vez. Nadar no Sena é ilegal há um século, mas, 7bet k seu desejo de exibir a cidade 💵 anfitriã 7bet k pleno andamento, os organizadores elaboraram um plano para limpar o rio para que os melhores atletas do mundo 💵 pudessem usá-lo durante os Jogos de Paris 2024.

Aproximadamente R$1,5 bilhão (1,4 bilhões de euros) foram gastos tentando limpar o rio 💵 antes dos Jogos e os oficiais de Paris fizeram uma grande exibição mostrando7bet kaptidão. A prefeita de Paris Anne 💵 Hidalgo nadou no rio anteriormente no mês passado para demonstrar7bet kconfiança na qualidade da água do rio e prometeu 💵 colocar uma piscina no rio depois dos Jogos. O ministro dos Esportes francês também mergulhou no Sena.

Infraestrutura para combater a 💵 poluição

Um dos projetos de infraestrutura-chave projetados para ajudar a combater a poluição é um novo reservatório de água da chuva 💵 – chamado de Bas

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    Process that helps an equipment operator avoid mistakes

    Poka-yoke (ポカヨケ, [poka joke]) is

    a Japanese term that means "mistake-proofing" or "error 💹 prevention". It is also

    sometimes referred to as a forcing function or a behavior-shaping constraint.


    poka-yoke is any mechanism in 💹 a process that helps an equipment operator avoid (yokeru)

    mistakes (poka) and defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to 💹 human

    errors as they occur.[1] The concept was formalized, and the term adopted, by Shigeo

    Shingo as part of the 💹 Toyota Production System.[2][3]

    Etymology [ edit ]

    Poka-yoke was

    originally baka-yoke, but as this means "fool-proofing" (or "idiot-proofing") the name

    was changed 💹 to the milder poka-yoke.[4] Poka-yoke is derived from poka o yokeru

    (ポカを避ける), a term in shogi that means avoiding an 💹 unthinkably bad move.

    Usage and

    examples [ edit ]

    More broadly, the term can refer to any behavior-shaping constraint

    designed into a 💹 process to prevent incorrect operation by the user.

    A simple poka-yoke

    example is demonstrated when a driver of the car equipped 💹 with a manual gearbox must

    press on the clutch pedal (a process step, therefore a poka-yoke) prior to starting an

    💹 automobile.[5] The interlock serves to prevent unintended movement of the car. Another

    example of poka-yoke would be the car equipped 💹 with an automatic transmission, which

    has a switch that requires the car to be in "Park" or "Neutral" before the 💹 car can be

    started (some automatic transmissions require the brake pedal to be depressed as well).

    These serve as behavior-shaping 💹 constraints as the action of "car in Park (or Neutral)"

    or "foot depressing the clutch/brake pedal" must be performed before 💹 the car is allowed

    to start. The requirement of a depressed brake pedal to shift most of the cars with 💹 an

    automatic transmission from "Park" to any other gear is yet another example of a

    poka-yoke application. Over time, the 💹 driver's behavior is conformed with the

    requirements by repetition and habit.

    When automobiles first started shipping with

    on-board GPS systems, it 💹 was not uncommon to use a forcing function which prevented the

    user from interacting with the GPS (such as entering 💹 in a destination) while the car

    was in motion. This ensures that the driver's attention is not distracted by the 💹 GPS.

    However, many drivers found this feature irksome, and the forcing function has largely

    been abandoned. This reinforces the idea 💹 that forcing functions are not always the best

    approach to shaping behavior.

    The microwave oven provides another example of a forcing

    💹 function.[6] In all modern microwave ovens, it is impossible to start the microwave

    while the door is still open. Likewise, 💹 the microwave will shut off automatically if

    the door is opened by the user. By forcing the user to close 💹 the microwave door while

    it is in use, it becomes impossible for the user to err by leaving the door 💹 open.

    Forcing functions are very effective in safety critical situations such as this, but

    can cause confusion in more complex 💹 systems that do not inform the user of the error

    that has been made.

    These forcing functions are being used in 💹 the service industry as

    well. Call centers concerned with credit card fraud and friendly fraud are using

    agent-assisted automation to 💹 prevent the agent from seeing or hearing the credit card

    information so that it cannot be stolen. The customer punches 💹 the information into

    their phone keypad, the tones are masked to the agent and are not visible in the

    customer 💹 relationship management software.[7]

    History [ edit ]

    The term poka-yoke was

    applied by Shigeo Shingo in the 1960s to industrial processes designed 💹 to prevent human

    errors.[1] Shingo redesigned a process in which factory workers, while assembling a

    small switch, would often forget 💹 to insert the required spring under one of the switch

    buttons. In the redesigned process, the worker would perform the 💹 task in two steps,

    first preparing the two required springs and placing them in a placeholder, then

    inserting the springs 💹 from the placeholder into the switch. When a spring remained in

    the placeholder, the workers knew that they had forgotten 💹 to insert it and could

    correct the mistake effortlessly.[8]

    Shingo distinguished between the concepts of

    inevitable human mistakes and defects in 💹 the production. Defects occur when the

    mistakes are allowed to reach the customer. The aim of poka-yoke is to design 💹 the

    process so that mistakes can be detected and corrected immediately, eliminating defects

    at the source.

    Implementation in manufacturing [ edit 💹 ]

    Poka-yoke can be implemented at

    any step of a manufacturing process where something can go wrong or an error can 💹 be

    made.[9] For example, a fixture that holds pieces for processing might be modified to

    only allow pieces to be 💹 held in the correct orientation,[10] or a digital counter might

    track the number of spot welds on each piece to 💹 ensure that the worker executes the

    correct number of welds.[10]

    Shingo recognized three types of poka-yoke for detecting

    and preventing errors 💹 in a mass production system:[2][9]

    The contact method identifies

    product defects by testing the product's shape, size, color, or other physical

    💹 attributes. The fixed-value (or constant number) method alerts the operator if a

    certain number of movements are not made. The 💹 motion-step (or sequence) method

    determines whether the prescribed steps of the process have been followed.

    Either the

    operator is alerted when 💹 a mistake is about to be made, or the poka-yoke device

    actually prevents the mistake from being made. In Shingo's 💹 lexicon, the former

    implementation would be called a warning poka-yoke, while the latter would be referred

    to as a control 💹 poka-yoke.[2]

    Shingo argued that errors are inevitable in any

    manufacturing process, but that if appropriate poka-yokes are implemented, then

    mistakes can 💹 be caught quickly and prevented from resulting in defects. By eliminating

    defects at the source, the cost of mistakes within 💹 a company is reduced.[citation


    Benefits of poka-yoke implementation [ edit ]

    A typical feature of poka-yoke

    solutions is that they don't 💹 let an error in a process happen. Other advantages


    Less time spent on training workers;

    Elimination of many operations

    related to 💹 quality control;

    Unburdening of operators from repetitive


    Promotion of the work improvement-oriented approach and actions;

    A reduced

    number of rejects;

    Immediate action when 💹 a problem occurs;

    100% built-in quality


    Preventing bad products from reaching customers;

    Detecting mistakes as they


    Eliminating defects before they occur.

    See also 💹 [ edit ]

    References [ edit ]

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