saque recusado onabet 19:11:35

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saque recusado onabet


Donald Trump e JD Vance: o plano de governo direcionado aos "ouvidos e olhos postos no trabalho" pouco oferece aos 🎅 trabalhadores

Donald Trump proclamou saque recusado onabet seu discurso de aceitação na convenção republicana que era a favor de "todos os homens e 🎅 mulheres esquecidos", enquanto o seu candidato a vice-presidente, JD Vance, constantemente se retrata como um populista pró-trabalhador. Contudo, uma análise 🎅 do capítulo sobre trabalho do plano Project 2025, um ambicioso plano direcionado ao próximo governo republicano, revelou que tem pouco 🎅 a oferecer aos trabalhadores.

O capítulo sobre trabalho do Project 2025 propõe pouco para melhorar os salários e as condições de 🎅 trabalho dos trabalhadores. No entanto, está repleto de recomendações que aumentariam os lucros corporativos, minariam os sindicatos e avançariam a 🎅 guerra cultural direitista.

O Project 2025 contém várias recomendações que, quando tomadas saque recusado onabet conjunto, reduziriam o salário de milhões de trabalhadores, 🎅 especialmente ao restringir o pagamento de horas extras a menos trabalhadores, mesmo que muitos americanos dependam do pagamento de horas 🎅 extras para chegar a fim de mês. Este chamado "Projeto de Transição Presidencial" mostra claramente uma hostilidade saque recusado onabet relação aos 🎅 sindicatos governamentais - sejam sindicatos de policiais, bombeiros ou professores - sugerindo que o Congresso deveria considerar a abolição de 🎅 todos os sindicatos do setor público. O Project 2025 também enfraqueceria os sindicatos ao recomendar uma proibição do uso do 🎅 cartão de registro, uma das ferramentas mais eficazes do sindicato para organizar trabalhadores.

Ajuda a empresas a reduzirem os custos laborais

O 🎅 Project 2025 tem várias propostas abrangentes que reduziriam os custos laborais das empresas e aumentariam seus lucros. O projeto pede 🎅 a abolição da Lei Davis-Bacon, que exige que os contratados saque recusado onabet projetos de obras públicas paguem o salário prevalecente pago 🎅 a trabalhadores locais que fazem trabalhos semelhantes. A Lei Davis-Bacon foi promulgada para impedir que os contratantes ganhem projetos por 🎅 meio de sub-bidrões através de custos laborais cada vez menores. Os sindicatos da construção se opõem vigorosamente à abolição da 🎅 Lei Davis-Bacon porque isso faria cair os salários de construção.

O Project 2025 reduziria os salários de muitos trabalhadores ao chamar 🎅 para uma lei que limite o pagamento de horas extras - apenas quando eles trabalharem mais de 80 horas saque recusado onabet 🎅 um período de duas semanas, saque recusado onabet vez do sistema atual de trabalhar mais de 40 horas saque recusado onabet uma semana. Isso 🎅 significa que um trabalhador não se qualificaria para o pagamento de horas extras, mesmo que trabalhasse 55 horas saque recusado onabet uma 🎅 semana.

Em outra proposta que reduziria os custos laborais, o Project 2025 diz que os trabalhadores que se qualificam para o 🎅 pagamento de horas extras deveriam poder escolher receber tempo compensatório saque recusado onabet vez do pagamento de horas extras e meio. O 🎅 projeto diz que isso visa dar aos trabalhadores mais tempo com as suas famílias, mas muitos defensores dos trabalhadores dizem 🎅 que é uma manobra para permitir que os empregadores torsionem os braços dos trabalhadores para que eles escolham o tempo 🎅 compensatório saque recusado onabet vez do pagamento e meio.

O ex-diretor do departamento de trabalho e horas de salário, David Weil, criticou esta 🎅 recomendação, dizendo que os empregadores poderiam abusar dela: "Infelizmente, saque recusado onabet muitos locais de trabalho, os trabalhadores seriam pressionados a escolher 🎅 a opção de tempo acumulado e depois teriam dificuldade saque recusado onabet usar esse tempo quando quisessem fazê-lo," disse ele.

O Project 2025 🎅 também reduziria os custos laborais ao propor facilitar a classificação dos trabalhadores do setor gig como trabalhadores independentes saque recusado onabet vez 🎅 de empregados. Ao contrário dos empregados, os trabalhadores independentes não estão cobertos pelas leis de salário mínimo e horas extras, 🎅 e os empregadores não têm que pagar parte dos impostos de segurança social e Medicare deles.

Cheio de disposições anti-sindicais

O Project 🎅 2025 enfraqueceria os sindicatos ou tornaria a vida mais difícil para eles de pelo menos uma dúzia de formas. Além 🎅 de chamar para uma proibição do cartão de registro, ele faria com que fosse mais fácil para os trabalhadores desclassificarem 🎅 os seus sindicatos. Atualmente, os trabalhadores podem apenas votar para desclassificar os seus sindicatos por um curto período antes que 🎅 os contratos sindicais expirem (ou quando não há contrato saque recusado onabet vigor). O Project 2025 permitiria tais votações de desclassificação a 🎅 qualquer momento que um contrato sindical esteja saque recusado onabet vigor.

Proibiria acordos de trabalho projetados - uma proposta que indignaria os sindicatos 🎅 da construção. Estes acordos sindicais amigáveis são usados para regular as relações laborais saque recusado onabet grandes projetos de construção e muitas 🎅 vezes garantem que os projetos utilizem contratantes de construção sindicalizados. Os autores do Project 2025 dizem que a proibição desses 🎅 acordos faria economizar dinheiro aos contribuintes ao reduzir os custos laborais.

O Project 2025 pede a revogação da Regra do Persuadidor, 🎅 que exige que os empregadores divulguem os escritórios de advocacia ou consultores anti-sindicais que utilizam e o montante que pagaram 🎅 por tais serviços. Os sindicatos muitas vezes usam essa informação para envergonhar as empresas mostrando que as empresas agressivas, anti-sindicais 🎅 como a Amazon gastam milhões de dólares para manter fora os sindicatos e impedir a negociação que melhoraria os salários 🎅 e as condições de trabalho.

Em uma mudança que dificultaria a união de trabalhadores de fast-food, o Project 2025 chama para 🎅 impedir que o National Labor Relations Board declare que as empresas fortemente franqueadas como McDonald's e Burger King sejam co-empregadores. 🎅 Se forem considerados co-empregadores, a McDonald's e a Burger King poderiam ter de negociar com trabalhadores saque recusado onabet franquias sindicalizadas - 🎅 e poderiam ser responsabilizados conjuntamente se um franqueado violar leis trabalhistas. O capítulo laboral também chama para demitir "no primeiro 🎅 dia" Jennifer Abruzzo, o procurador geral vigorosamente pró-trabalhador do National Labor Relations Board.

O Project 2025 chama para maximizar o número 🎅 de empregados políticos no Departamento do Trabalho e recomenda alterações para permitir que os funcionários do departamento iniciem investigações de 🎅 sindicatos, mesmo quando os trabalhadores não apresentarem uma queixa. Os defensores dos trabalhadores temem que isso possa levar a assédio 🎅 e retaliação contra os sindicatos.

Entre as muitas propostas anti-sindicais, o capítulo laboral tem uma recomendação surpreendentemente pró-sindical, dizendo que o 🎅 National Labor Relations Board deveria processar mais injunções para readmitir trabalhadores que foram demitidos ilegalmente por apoiarem um sindicato. Adiciona 🎅 ainda que "tais demissões têm um efeito imediato de resfriamento sobre a organização".

A Lei Nacional de Relações Trabalhistas não cobre 🎅 os sindicatos de empregados do governo, mas o Project 2025 chama para alterar essa lei para exigir que todos os 🎅 sindicatos de empregados do governo façam a mesma projeção financeira rigorosa e divulgação financeira que os sindicatos do setor privado 🎅 agora fazem. Ao longo dos EUA, existem mais de 200 centros de trabalhadores, grupos não sindicais que lutaram vigorosamente saque recusado onabet 🎅 nome dos trabalhadores imigrantes, e o projeto pede que o departamento do trabalho investigue-os e chama para exigir que eles 🎅 apresentem projetos financeiros detalhados, assim como os sindicatos.

Um tema que corre por todo o Project 2025 é o desejo de 🎅 tornar o estado administrativo federal menos poderoso e invasivo. Em forte contraste, o capítulo laboral chama para tornar o departamento 🎅 do trabalho consideravelmente mais poderoso e invasivo quando se trata de sindicatos e centros de trabalhadores - instituições que são 🎅 amplamente desprezadas pelos apoiantes corporativos da Fundação Heritage.

Em uma mudança que os líderes sindicais se opõem vigorosamente, o capítulo laboral 🎅 chama para alterar a lei federal para permitir que as corporações formem organizações de envolvimento de empregados não sindicais. O 🎅 projeto diz que isso facilitaria a cooperação voluntária saque recusado onabet questões críticas como as condições de trabalho. No entanto, os líderes 🎅 sindicais advertem que as corporações dominariam essas "organizações de envolvimento de empregados", com a gestão escolhendo frequentemente os representantes dos 🎅 trabalhadores e estando livres para ignorar as recomendações dos comitês, independentemente de quanto os trabalhadores desejassem algo.

O Project 2025 critica 🎅 as leis trabalhistas atuais sobre os sindicatos, dizendo: "A abordagem de tamanho único para todos dos EUA enfraquece a representação 🎅 dos trabalhadores."

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    saque recusado onabet

    “True M” versus Harrington’s M and Why Tournament Structure Matters

    by Arnold


    (From Blackjack Forum Vol. XXVI #1, Spring 2007)

    © Blackjack 🍉 Forum Online


    Critical Flaws in the Theory and Use of “M” in Poker Tournaments

    In this article,

    I will address critical 🍉 flaws in the concept of “M” as a measure of player viability in

    poker tournaments. I will specifically be addressing 🍉 the concept of M as put forth by

    Dan Harrington in Harrington on Hold’em II (HOH II). My book, The 🍉 Poker Tournament

    Formula (PTF), has been criticized by some poker writers who contend that my strategies

    for fast tournaments must 🍉 be wrong, since they violate strategies based on Harrington’s


    I will show that it is instead Harrington’s theory and advice 🍉 that are wrong. I will

    explain in this article exactly where Harrington made his errors, why Harrington’s

    strategies are incorrect 🍉 not only for fast tournaments, but for slow blind structures

    as well, and why poker tournament structure, which Harrington ignores, 🍉 is the key

    factor in devising optimal tournament strategies.

    This article will also address a

    common error in the thinking of 🍉 players who are using a combination of PTF and HOH

    strategies in tournaments. Specifically, some of the players who are 🍉 using the

    strategies from my book, and acknowledge that structure is a crucial factor in any

    poker tournament, tell me 🍉 they still calculate M at the tables because they believe it

    provides a “more accurate” assessment of a player’s current 🍉 chip stack status than the

    simpler way I propose—gauging your current stack as a multiple of the big blind. But 🍉 M,

    in fact, is a less accurate number, and this article will explain why.

    There is a way

    to calculate what 🍉 I call “True M,” that would provide the information that Harrington’s

    false M is purported to provide, but I do 🍉 not believe there is any real strategic value

    in calculating this number, and I will explain the reason for that 🍉 too.

    The Basics of

    Harrington’s M Strategy

    Harrington uses a zone system to categorize a player’s current

    chip position. In the “green 🍉 zone,” a player’s chip stack is very healthy and the

    player can use a full range of poker skills. As 🍉 a player’s chip stack diminishes, the

    player goes through the yellow zone, the orange zone, the red zone, and finally 🍉 the

    dead zone. The zones are identified by a simple rating number Harrington calls


    What Is “M”?

    In HOH II, on 🍉 page 125, Dan Harrington defines M as: “…the ratio of

    your stack to the current total of blinds and antes.” 🍉 For example, if your chip stack

    totals 3000, and the blinds are 100-200 (with no ante), then you find your 🍉 M by

    dividing 3000 / 300 = 10.

    On page 126, Harrington expounds on the meaning of M to a

    tournament 🍉 player: “What M tells you is the number of rounds of the table that you can

    survive before being blinded 🍉 off, assuming you play no pots in the meantime.” In other

    words, Harrington describes M as a player’s survival indicator.

    If 🍉 your M = 5, then

    Harrington is saying you will survive for five more rounds of the table (five circuits

    🍉 of the blinds) if you do not play a hand. At a 10-handed table, this would mean you

    have about 🍉 50 hands until you would be blinded off. All of Harrington’s zone strategies

    are based on this understanding of how 🍉 to calculate M, and what M means to your current

    chances of tournament survival.

    Amateur tournament players tend to tighten up 🍉 their

    play as their chip stacks diminish. They tend to become overly protective of their

    remaining chips. This is due 🍉 to the natural survival instinct of players. They know

    that they cannot purchase more chips if they lose their whole 🍉 stack, so they try to

    hold on to the precious few chips that are keeping them alive.

    If they have read 🍉 a few

    books on the subject of tournament play, they may also have been influenced by the

    unfortunate writings of 🍉 Mason Malmuth and David Sklansky, who for many years have

    promulgated the misguided theory that the fewer chips you have 🍉 in a tournament, the

    more each chip is worth. (This fallacious notion has been addressed in other articles

    in our 🍉 online Library, including: Chip Value in Poker Tournaments.)

    But in HOH II,

    Harrington explains that as your M diminishes, which is 🍉 to say as your stack size

    becomes smaller in relation to the cost of the blinds and antes, “…the blinds 🍉 are

    starting to catch you, so you have to loosen your play… you have to start making moves

    with hands 🍉 weaker than those a conservative player would elect to play.” I agree with

    Harrington on this point, and I also 🍉 concur with his explanation of why looser play is

    correct as a player’s chip stack gets shorter: “Another way of 🍉 looking at M is to see

    it as a measure of just how likely you are to get a better 🍉 hand in a better situation,

    with a reasonable amount of money left.” (Italics his.)

    In other words, Harrington

    devised his looser 🍉 pot-entering strategy, which begins when your M falls below 20, and

    goes through four zones as it continues to shrink, 🍉 based on the likelihood of your

    being dealt better cards to make chips with than your present starting hand. For

    🍉 example, with an M of 15 (yellow zone according to Harrington), if a player is dealt an

    8-3 offsuit in 🍉 early position (a pretty awful starting hand by anyone’s definition),

    Harrington’s yellow zone strategy would have the player fold this 🍉 hand preflop because

    of the likelihood that he will be dealt a better hand to play while he still has 🍉 a

    reasonable amount of money left.

    By contrast, if the player is dealt an ace-ten offsuit

    in early position, Harrington’s yellow 🍉 zone strategy would advise the player to enter

    the pot with a raise. This play is not advised in Harrington’s 🍉 green zone strategy

    (with an M > 20) because he considers ace-ten offsuit to be too weak of a hand 🍉 to play

    from early position, since your bigger chip stack means you will be likely to catch a

    better pot-entering 🍉 opportunity if you wait. The desperation of your reduced chip stack

    in the yellow zone, however, has made it necessary 🍉 for you to take a risk with this

    hand because with the number of hands remaining before you will be 🍉 blinded off, you are

    unlikely “…to get a better hand in a better situation, with a reasonable amount of

    money 🍉 left.”

    Again, I fully agree with the logic of loosening starting hand

    requirements as a player’s chip stack gets short. In 🍉 fact, the strategies in The Poker

    Tournament Formula are based in part (but not in whole) on the same logic.

    But 🍉 despite

    the similarity of some of the logic behind our strategies, there are big differences

    between our specific strategies for 🍉 any specific size of chip stack. For starters, my

    strategy for entering a pot with what I categorize as a 🍉 “competitive stack” (a stack

    size more or less comparable to Harrington’s “green zone”) is far looser and more

    aggressive than 🍉 his. And my short-stack strategies are downright maniacal compared to

    Harrington’s strategies for his yellow, orange, and red zones.

    There are 🍉 two major

    reasons why our strategies are so different, even though we agree on the logic that

    looser play is 🍉 required as stacks get shorter. Again, the first is a fundamental

    difference in our overriding tournament theory, which I will 🍉 deal with later in this

    article. The second reason, which I will deal with now, is a serious flaw in

    🍉 Harrington’s method of calculating and interpreting M. Again, what Harrington

    specifically assumes, as per HOH II, is that: “What M 🍉 tells you is the number of rounds

    of the table that you can survive before being blinded off, assuming you 🍉 play no pots

    in the meantime.”

    But that’s simply not correct. The only way M, as defined by

    Harrington, could indicate 🍉 the number of rounds a player could survive is by ignoring

    the tournament structure.

    Why Tournament Structure Matters in Devising Optimal

    🍉 Strategy

    Let’s look at some sample poker tournaments to show how structure matters, and

    how it affects the underlying meaning of 🍉 M, or “the number of rounds of the table that

    you can survive before being blinded off, assuming you play 🍉 no pots in the meantime.”

    Let’s say the blinds are 50-100, and you have 3000 in chips. What is your 🍉 M, according

    to Harrington?

    M = 3000 / 150 = 20

    So, according to the explanation of M provided in

    HOH II, 🍉 you could survive 20 more rounds of the table before being blinded off,

    assuming you play no pots in the 🍉 meantime. This is not correct, however, because the

    actual number of rounds you can survive before being blinded off is 🍉 entirely dependent

    on the tournament’s blind structure.

    For example, what if this tournament has 60-minute

    blind levels? Would you survive 20 🍉 rounds with the blinds at 50-100 if you entered no

    pots? No way. Assuming this is a ten-handed table, you 🍉 would go through the blinds

    about once every twenty minutes, which is to say, you would only play three rounds 🍉 at

    this 50-100 level. Then the blinds would go up.

    If we use the blind structure from the

    WSOP Circuit events 🍉 recently played at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, after 60 minutes

    the blinds would go from 50-100 to 100-200, then 🍉 to 100-200 with a 25 ante 60 minutes

    after that. What is the actual number of rounds you would survive 🍉 without entering a

    pot in this tournament from this point? Assuming you go through the blinds at each

    level three 🍉 times,

    3 x 150 = 450

    3 x 300 = 900

    3 x 550 = 1650

    Add up the blind costs:

    450 + 900 🍉 + 1650 = 3000.

    That’s a total of only 9 rounds.

    This measure of the true

    “…number of rounds of the table 🍉 that you can survive before being blinded off, assuming

    you play no pots in the meantime,” is crucial in evaluating 🍉 your likelihood of getting

    “…a better hand in a better situation, with a reasonable amount of money left,” and it

    🍉 is entirely dependent on this tournament’s blind structure. For the rest of this

    article, I will refer to this more 🍉 accurate structure-based measure as “True M.” True M

    for this real-world tournament would indicate to the player that his survival 🍉 time was

    less than half that predicted by Harrington’s miscalculation of M.

    True M in Fast Poker


    To really drill home 🍉 the flaw in M—as Harrington defines it—let’s look at a

    fast tournament structure. Let’s assume the exact same 3000 in 🍉 chips, and the exact

    same 50-100 blind level, but with the 20-minute blind levels we find in many small

    buy-in 🍉 tourneys. With this blind structure, the blinds will be one level higher each

    time we go through them. How many 🍉 rounds of play will our 3000 in chips survive,

    assuming we play no pots? (Again, I’ll use the Caesars WSOP 🍉 levels, as above, changing

    only the blind length.)

    150 + 300 + 550 + 1100 (4 rounds) = 1950

    The next round 🍉 the

    blinds are 300-600 with a 75 ante, so the cost of a ten-handed round is 1650, and we

    only 🍉 have 1050 remaining. That means that with this faster tournament structure, our

    True M at the start of that 50-100 🍉 blind level is actually about 4.6, a very far cry

    from the 20 that Harrington would estimate, and quite far 🍉 from the 9 rounds we would

    survive in the 60-minute structure described above.

    And, in a small buy-in tournament

    with 15-minute 🍉 blind levels—and these fast tournaments are very common in poker rooms

    today—this same 3000 chip position starting at this same 🍉 blind level would indicate a

    True M of only 3.9.

    True M in Slow Poker Tournaments

    But what if you were playing 🍉 in

    theR$10K main event of the WSOP, where the blind levels last 100 minutes? In this

    tournament, if you were 🍉 at the 50-100 blind level with 3000 in chips, your True M would

    be 11.4. (As a matter of fact, 🍉 it has only been in recent years that the blind levels

    of the main event of the WSOP have been 🍉 reduced from their traditional 2-hour length.

    With 2-hour blind levels, as Harrington would have played throughout most of the years

    🍉 he has played the main event, his True M starting with this chip position would be


    Unfortunately, that’s still nowhere 🍉 near the 20 rounds Harrington’s M gives


    True M Adjusts for Tournament Structure

    Note that in each of these tournaments, 20

    🍉 M means something very different as a survival indicator. True M shows that the

    survival equivalent of 3000 in chips 🍉 at the same blind level can range from 3.9 rounds

    (39 hands) to 12.6 (126 hands), depending solely on the 🍉 length of the


    Furthermore, even within the same blind level of the same tournament, True M

    can have different values, 🍉 depending on how deep you are into that blind level. For

    example, what if you have 3000 in chips but 🍉 instead of being at the very start of that

    50-100 blind level (assuming 60-minute levels), you are somewhere in the 🍉 middle of it,

    so that although the blinds are currently 50-100, the blinds will go up to the 100-200

    level 🍉 before you go through them three more times? Does this change your True M?


    most certainly does. That True M 🍉 of 9 in this tournament, as demonstrated above, only

    pertains to your chip position at the 50-100 blind level if 🍉 you will be going through

    those 50-100 blinds three times before the next level. If you’ve already gone through

    those 🍉 blinds at that level one or more times, then your True M will not be 9, but will

    range from 🍉 6.4 to 8.1, depending on how deep into the 50-100 blind level you are.


    important, if you are under the 🍉 mistaken impression that at any point in the 50-100

    blind level in any of the tournaments described above, 3000 in 🍉 chips is sufficient to

    go through 20 rounds of play (200 hands), you are way off the mark. What Harrington

    🍉 says “M tells you,” is not at all what M tells you. If you actually stopped and

    calculated True M, 🍉 as defined above, then True M would tell you what Harrington’s M

    purports to tell you.

    And if it really is 🍉 important for you to know how many times you

    can go through the blinds before you are blinded off, then 🍉 why not at least figure out

    the number accurately? M, as described in Harrington’s book, is simply woefully

    inadequate at 🍉 performing this function.

    If Harrington had actually realized that his M

    was not an accurate survival indicator, and he had stopped 🍉 and calculated True M for a

    variety of tournaments, would he still be advising you to employ the same starting 🍉 hand

    standards and playing strategies at a True M of 3.9 (with 39 hands before blind-off)

    that you would be 🍉 employing at a True M of 12.6 (with 126 hands before blind-off)?


    he believes that a player with 20 M 🍉 has 20 rounds of play to wait for a good hand

    before he is blinded off (and again, 20 rounds 🍉 at a ten-player table would be 200

    hands), then his assessment of your likelihood of getting “…a better hand in 🍉 a better

    situation, with a reasonable amount of money left,” would be quite different than if he

    realized that his 🍉 True M was 9 (90 hands remaining till blind-off), or in a faster

    blind structure, as low as 3.9 (only 🍉 39 hands remaining until blind-off).


    radically different blind-off times would drastically alter the frequencies of

    occurrence of the premium starting 🍉 hands, and aren’t the likelihood of getting those

    hands what his M theory and strategy are based on?

    A Blackjack Analogy

    For 🍉 blackjack

    players—and I know a lot of my readers come from the world of blackjack card

    counting—Harrington’s M might best 🍉 be compared to the “running count.” If I am using a

    traditional balanced card counting system at a casino blackjack 🍉 table, and I make my

    playing and betting decisions according to my running count, I will often be playing

    incorrectly, 🍉 because the structure of the game—the number of decks in play and the

    number of cards that have already been 🍉 dealt since the last shuffle—must be taken into

    account in order for me to adjust my running count to a 🍉 “true” count.

    A +6 running

    count in a single-deck game means something entirely different from a +6 running count

    in a 🍉 six-deck shoe game. And even within the same game, a +6 running count at the

    beginning of the deck or 🍉 shoe means something different from a +6 running count toward

    the end of the deck or shoe.

    Professional blackjack players adjust 🍉 their running count

    to the true count to estimate their advantage accurately and make their strategy

    decisions accordingly. The unadjusted 🍉 running count cannot do this with any accuracy.

    Harrington’s M could be considered a kind of Running M, which must 🍉 be adjusted to a

    True M in order for it to have any validity as a survival gauge.

    When Harrington’s

    Running 🍉 M Is Occasionally Correct

    Harrington’s Running M can “accidentally” become

    correct without a True M adjustment when a player is very 🍉 short-stacked in a tournament

    with lengthy blind levels. For example, if a player has an M of 4 or 5 🍉 in a tournament

    with 2-hour blind levels, then in the early rounds of that blind level, since he could

    expect 🍉 to go through the same blind costs 4 or 5 times, Harrington’s unadjusted M would

    be the same as True 🍉 M.

    This might also occur when the game is short-handed, since

    players will be going through the blinds more frequently. (This 🍉 same thing happens in

    blackjack games where the running count equals the true count at specific points in the

    deal. 🍉 For example, if a blackjack player is using a count-per-deck adjustment in a

    six-deck game, then when the dealer is 🍉 down to the last deck in play, the running count

    will equal the true count.)

    In rare situations like these, where 🍉 Running M equals True

    M, Harrington’s “red zone” strategies may be correct—not because Harrington was correct

    in his application of 🍉 M, but because of the tournament structure and the player’s poor

    chip position at that point.

    In tournaments with 60-minute blind 🍉 levels, this type of

    “Running M = True M” situation could only occur at a full table when a player’s 🍉 M is 3

    or less. And in fast tournaments with 15 or 20-minute blind levels, Harrington’s M

    could only equal 🍉 True M when a player’s M = 1 or less.

    Harrington’s yellow and orange

    zone strategies, however, will always be pretty 🍉 worthless, even in the slowest

    tournaments, because there are no tournaments with blind levels that last long enough

    to require 🍉 no True M adjustments.

    Why Harrington’s Strategies Can’t Be Said to Adjust

    Automatically for True M

    Some Harrington supporters may wish to 🍉 make a case that Dan

    Harrington made some kind of automatic adjustment for approximate True M in devising

    his yellow 🍉 and orange zone strategies. But in HOH II, he clearly states that M tells

    you how many rounds of the 🍉 table you will survive—period.

    In order to select which

    hands a player should play in these zones, based on the likelihood 🍉 of better hands

    occurring while the player still has a reasonable chip stack, it was necessary for

    Harrington to specify 🍉 some number of rounds in order to develop a table of the

    frequencies of occurrence of the starting hands. His 🍉 book tells us that he assumes an M

    of 20 simply means 20 rounds remaining—which we know is wrong for 🍉 all real-world


    But for those who wish to make a case that Harrington made some kind of a

    True M 🍉 adjustment that he elected not to inform us about, my answer is that it’s

    impossible that whatever adjustment he used 🍉 would be even close to accurate for all

    tournaments and blind structures. If, for example, he assumed 20 M meant 🍉 a True M of

    12, and he developed his starting-hand frequency charts with this assumption, then his

    strategies would be 🍉 fairly accurate for the slowest blind structures we find in major

    events. But they would still be very wrong for 🍉 the faster blind structures we find in

    events with smaller buy-ins and in most online tournaments.

    In HOH II, he does 🍉 provide

    quite a few sample hands from online tournaments, with no mention whatsoever of the

    blind structures of these events, 🍉 but 15-minute blind levels are less common online

    than 5-, 8-, and 12-minute blind levels. Thus, we are forced to 🍉 believe that what Mason

    Malmuth claims is true: that Harrington considers his strategies correct for

    tournaments of all speeds. So 🍉 it is doubtful that he made any True M adjustments, even

    for slower tournament structures. Simply put, Harrington is oblivious 🍉 to the true

    mathematics of M.

    Simplifying True M for Real-Life Tournament Strategy

    If all poker

    tournaments had the same blind structure, 🍉 then we could just memorize chart data that

    would indicate True M with any chip stack at any point in 🍉 any blind level.

    Unfortunately, there are almost as many blind structures as there are


    There are ways, however, that Harrington’s 🍉 Running M could be adjusted to

    an approximate True M without literally figuring out the exact cost of each blind 🍉 level

    at every point in the tournament. With 90-minute blind levels, after dividing your chip

    stack by the cost of 🍉 a round, simply divide your Running M by two, and you’ll have a

    reasonable approximation of your True M.

    With 60-minute 🍉 blind levels, take about 40% of

    the Running M. With 30-minute blind levels, divide the Running M by three. And 🍉 with 15-

    or 20-minute blind levels, divide the Running M by five. These will be far from perfect

    adjustments, but 🍉 they will be much closer to reality than Harrington’s unadjusted

    Running M numbers.

    Do Tournament Players Need to Know Their “True 🍉 M”?

    Am I suggesting

    that poker tournament players should start estimating their True M, instead of the

    Running M that Harrington 🍉 proposes? No, because I disagree with Harrington’s emphasis

    on survival and basing so much of your play on your cards. 🍉 I just want to make it clear

    that M, as defined and described by Harrington in HOH II, is wrong, 🍉 a bad measure of

    what it purports and aims to measure. It is based on an error in logic, in 🍉 which a

    crucial factor in the formula—tournament structure—is ignored (the same error that

    David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth have made 🍉 continually in their writings and analyses

    of tournaments.)

    Although it would be possible for a player to correct Harrington’s

    mistake by 🍉 estimating his True M at any point in a tournament, I don’t advise it.

    Admittedly, it’s a pain in the 🍉 ass trying to calculate True M exactly, not something

    most players could do quickly and easily at the tables. But 🍉 that’s not the reason I

    think True M should be ignored.

    The reason is related to the overarching difference

    between Harrington’s 🍉 strategies and mine, which I mentioned at the beginning of this

    article. That is: It’s a grave error for tournament 🍉 players to focus on how long they

    can survive if they just sit and wait for premium cards. That’s not 🍉 what tournaments

    are about. It’s a matter of perspective. When you look at your stack size, you

    shouldn’t be thinking, 🍉 “How long can I survive?” but, “How much of a threat do I pose

    to my opponents?”

    The whole concept of 🍉 M is geared to the player who is tight and

    conservative, waiting for premium hands (or premium enough at that 🍉 point). Harrington’s

    strategy is overly focused on cards as the primary pot entering factor, as opposed to

    entering pots based 🍉 predominately (or purely) on position, chip stack, and


    In The Poker Tournament Formula, I suggest that players assess their chip

    🍉 position by considering their chip stacks as a simple multiple of the current big

    blind. If you have 3000 in 🍉 chips, and the big blind is 100, then you have 30 big

    blinds. This number, 30, tells you nothing about 🍉 how many rounds you can survive if you

    don’t enter any pots. But frankly, that doesn’t matter. What matters in 🍉 a tournament is

    that you have sufficient chips to employ your full range of skills, and—just as

    important—that you have 🍉 sufficient chips to threaten your opponents with a raise, and

    an all-in raise if that is what you need for 🍉 the threat to be successful to win you the


    Your ability to to be a threat is directly related to 🍉 the health of your chip

    stack in relation to the current betting level, which is most strongly influenced by

    the 🍉 size of the blinds. In my PTF strategy, tournaments are not so much about survival

    as they are about stealing 🍉 pots. If you’re going to depend on surviving until you get

    premium cards to get you to the final table, 🍉 you’re going to see very few final tables.

    You must outplay your opponents with the cards you are dealt, not 🍉 wait and hope for

    cards that are superior to theirs.

    I’m not suggesting that you ignore the size of the

    preflop 🍉 pot and focus all of your attention on the size of the big blind. You should

    always total the chips 🍉 in the pot preflop, but not because you want to know how long

    you can survive if you sit there 🍉 waiting for your miracle cards. You simply need to

    know the size of the preflop pot so you can make 🍉 your betting and playing decisions,

    both pre- and post-flop, based on all of the factors in the current hand.

    What other

    🍉 players, if any have entered the pot? Is this a pot you can steal if you don’t have a

    viable 🍉 hand? Is this pot worth the risk of an attempted steal? If you have a drawing

    hand, do you have 🍉 the odds to call, or are you giving an opponent the odds to call? Are

    any of your opponent(s) pot-committed? 🍉 Do you have sufficient chips to play a

    speculative hand for this pot? There are dozens of reasons why you 🍉 need to know the

    size of a pot you are considering getting involved in, but M is not a factor 🍉 in any of

    these decisions.

    So, again, although you will always be totaling the chips in the pot

    in order to 🍉 make betting and playing decisions, sitting there and estimating your

    blind-off time by dividing your chip stack by the total 🍉 chips in the preflop pot is an

    exercise in futility. It has absolutely nothing to do with your actual chances 🍉 of

    survival. You shouldn’t even be thinking in terms of survival, but of


    Harrington on Hold’em II versus The Poker 🍉 Tournament Formula: A Sample


    Let’s say the blinds are 100-200, and you have 4000 in chips. Harrington

    would have you 🍉 thinking that your M is 13 (yellow zone), and he advises: “…you have to

    switch to smallball moves: get in, 🍉 win the pot, but get out when you encounter

    resistance.” (HOH II, p. 136)

    In The Poker Tournament Formula basic strategy 🍉 for fast

    tournaments (PTF p. 158), I categorize this chip stack equal to 20 big blinds as “very

    short,” and 🍉 my advice is: “…you must face the fact that you are not all that far from

    the exit door. But 🍉 you still have enough chips to scare any player who does not have a

    really big chip stack and/or a 🍉 really strong hand. Two things are important when you

    are this short on chips. One is that unless you have 🍉 an all-in raising hand as defined

    below, do not enter any pot unless you are the first in. And second, 🍉 any bet when you

    are this short will always be all-in.”

    The fact is, you don’t have enough chips for

    “smallball” 🍉 when you’re this short on chips in a fast tournament, and one of the most

    profitable moves you can make 🍉 is picking on Harrington-type players who think it’s time

    for smallball.

    Harrington sees this yellow zone player as still having 13 🍉 rounds of

    play (130 hands, which is a big overestimation resulting from his failure to adjust to

    True M) to 🍉 look for a pretty decent hand to get involved with. My thinking in a fast

    tournament, by contrast, would be: 🍉 “The blinds are now 100-200. By the time they get

    around to me fifteen minutes from now, they will be 🍉 200-400. If I don’t make a move

    before the blinds get around to me, and I have to go through 🍉 those blinds, my 4000 will

    become 3400, and the chip position I’m in right now, which is having a stack 🍉 equal to

    20 times the big blind, will be reduced to a stack of only 8.5 times the big blind.

    🍉 Right now, my chip stack is scary. Ten to fifteen minutes from now (in 7-8 hands), any

    legitimate hand will 🍉 call me down.”

    So, my advice to players this short on chips in a

    fast tournament is to raise all-in with 🍉 any two cards from any late position seat in an

    unopened pot. My raising hands from earlier positions include all 🍉 pairs higher than 66,

    and pretty much any two high cards. And my advice with these hands is to raise 🍉 or

    reraise all-in, including calling any all-ins. You need a double-up so badly here that

    you simply must take big 🍉 risks. As per The Poker Tournament Formula (p. 159): “When

    you’re this short on chips you must take risks, because 🍉 the risk of tournament death is

    greater if you don’t play than if you do.”

    There is also a side effect 🍉 of using a loose

    aggressive strategy when you have enough chips to hurt your opponents, and that is that

    you 🍉 build an image of a player who is not to be messed with, and that is always the

    preferred image 🍉 to have in any no-limit hold’em tournament. But while Harrington sees

    this player surviving for another 13 rounds of play, 🍉 the reality is that he will

    survive fewer than 4 more rounds in a fast tournament, and within two rounds 🍉 he will be

    so short-stacked that he will be unable to scare anybody out of a pot, and even a

    🍉 double-up will not get him anywhere near a competitive chip stack.

    The Good News for

    Poker Tournament Players

    The good news for 🍉 poker tournament players is that

    Harrington’s books have become so popular, and his M theory so widely accepted as valid

    🍉 by many players and “experts” alike, that today’s NLH tournaments are overrun with his

    disciples playing the same tight, conservative 🍉 style through the early green zone blind

    levels, then predictably entering pots with more marginal hands as their M

    diminishes—which 🍉 their early tight play almost always guarantees. And, though many of

    the top players know that looser, more aggressive play 🍉 is what’s getting them to the

    final tables, I doubt that Harrington’s misguided advice will be abandoned by the

    masses 🍉 any time soon.

    In a recent issue of Card Player magazine (March 28, 2007),

    columnist Steve Zolotow reviewed The Poker Tournament 🍉 Formula, stating: “Snyder

    originates a complicated formula for determining the speed of a tournament, which he

    calls the patience factor. 🍉 Dan Harrington’s discussion of M and my columns on CPR cover

    this same material, but much more accurately. Your strategy 🍉 should be based not upon

    the speed of the tournament as a whole, but on your current chip position in 🍉 relation

    to current blinds. If your M (the number of rounds you can survive without playing a

    hand) is 20, 🍉 you should base your strategy primarily on that fact. Whether the blinds

    will double and reduce your M to 10 🍉 in 15 minutes or four hours should not have much

    influence on your strategic decisions.”

    Zolotow’s “CPR” articles were simply a 🍉 couple

    of columns he wrote last year in which he did nothing but explain Harrington’s M

    theory, as if it 🍉 were 100% correct. He added nothing to the theory of M, and is clearly

    as ignorant of the math as 🍉 Harrington is.

    So money-making opportunities in poker

    tournaments continue to abound.

    In any case, I want to thank SlackerInc for posting a

    🍉 question on our poker discussion forum, in which he pointed out many of the key

    differences between Harrington’s short-stack strategies 🍉 and those in The Poker

    Tournament Formula. He wanted to know why our pot-entering strategies were so far


    The answer 🍉 is that the strategies in my book are specifically identified as

    strategies for fast tournaments of a specific speed, so 🍉 my assumptions, based on a

    player’s current chip stack, would usually be that the player is about five times more

    🍉 desperate than Harrington would see him (his Running M of 20 being roughly equivalent

    to my True M of about 🍉 4). ♠

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